![]() KEY to fig. 5-':
Cap screw
1. Cap screw
Flat washer
coupling halves (8 and 11 ) on the shafts of the gear
2. Nut
case and engine; secure with setscrews ( 7 and 10).
3. Lock washer
Lock washer
c. Install the engine mounting brackets (23 and
4. Coupling guard
Flat washer
24) on the engine (25) with cap screws (21) and
5. Pump gear case
lock washers (22).
6. Damper spider
7. Setscrew
d. Install the damper spider (6) on the gear case
8. Coupling half
Cap screw
coupling half (8).
9. Key
Lock washer
e. Position the engine (25) with assembled
10. Setscrew
Engine mounting bracket
mounting brackets (23 and 24) on the pump frame.
11. Coupling half
Engine mounting bracket
Slide it toward the pump gear case, checking the
12. Key
alinement of the engine coupling half (11) with the
e. The pump gear case mounting hardware was
damper spider (6) on the gear case coupling half
when t h e diaphragm ring of the
(8). If necessary, a d d shims (18, 19, and 20)
diaphragm and plunger assembly was removed.
between the engine mounting brackets and pump
Pull straight out on the pump gear case to remove
frame if necessary to bring the parts into alinement.
it. This will free the damper spider (6) of the
Make sure the centerline of the gear case input
shaft is alined with the centerline of the engine shaft
f. Remove the coupling halves (8 and 11) and
and secure the engine mounting brackets (23 and
keys (9 and 12) from the gear case and engine
24) to the pump frame with cap screws (13), flat
washers ( 14), nuts (15), lock washers ( 16), and flat
g. Remove the cap screws (13), flat washers
washers ( 17).
(14), nuts (15), lock washers (16), and flat washers
f. R o t a t e t h e e n g i n e c r a n k s h a f t s e v e r a l
(17 ) that secure the engine mounting brackets (23
revolutions to check that no binding exists between
and 24) to the frame; lift the assembled engine and
the engine and pump gear case.
mounting brackets from the frame.
g. Install the coupling guard (4) over the pump
h. Remove the cap screws ( 21 ) and lock washers
(22) that secure the engine mounting brackets (23
h. Install the diaphragm and plunger assembly
and 24) to the engine (25) ; remove the brackets.
on the pump (para 4-20).
5-9. Installation
i. Install the suction and discharge assemblies on
the pump (para 4-16).
j. Install the fuel system components on the
pump (para 4-12).
ring (21, fig. 4-4) on the pump frame. Secure both
parts to the frame with four cap screws (20).
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