![]() g. Inspect the lower diaphragm plate and upper
KEY to fig. 4-4.
diaphragm plate for cracks and distortion. Inspect
14 Plunger nut
1. Plug
the studs on the upper diaphragm plate for
2. Nut
15. Spring
looseness and for damaged threads. Replace
16. Spring washer
3. Lock washer
damaged parts.
1 i. Lubrication fitting
4. U-bolt
h. I n s p e c t t h e p l u n g e r s p r i n g f o r c r a c k s ,
18. Upper diaphragm plate
5. Drawbar
19. Cap screw
6. Nut
distortion, and compression. Free length of the
20. Diaphragm ring
7. Leek washer
spring should be 8 inch. Replace a damaged
21. Protective cap
8. Ribbed bolt
22. Retaining ring
9. Diaphragm pot
i. Inspect the plunger rod for distortion and
23. Retaining ring
10. Nut
11. Lower diaphragm plate 24. Roller bearing
worn or damaged threads. Replace if damaged.
25. Lubrication fitting
12. Diaphragm
j. I n s p e c t t h e b e a r i n g h o u s i n g f o r c r a c k s ,
26. Bearing housing
13. Plunger rod
distortion, worn or damaged threads, and worn
b e a r i n g seating surfaces. Replace a damaged
c. To remove the bearing housing (26) and
bearing housing.
bearing (24), pry out the protective cap (21) to
k. Check the end of the crankshaft of the pump
provide access to the parts. Remove the retaining
gear case. If the bearing surface is damaged or if
ring (22), and pull the assembled bearing and
the end of the crankshaft is distorted or misalined,
housing from the end of the crankshaft with a
report the condition to direct support maintenance.
bearing puller.
4-20. Reassembly
d. Remove the retaining ring (23) and slip the
a. Reassemble the diaphragm a n d p l u n g e r
bearing (24) from the housing (26).
assembly as shown in figure 4-4.
4-19. Cleaning and Inspection
b. Pack the roller bearing( 24) with grease and
slip it into the bearing housing (26) until it is fully
a. Clean the bearing by placing it in a wire
basket and immersing it into a container of ap-
seated. Be sure to press against the outer race of the
proved cleaning solvent. Agitate it thoroughly. If
bearing only. Secure the bearing with a retaining
necessary to dislodge caked or hardened grease,
ring (23).
strike the flat of the bearing aginst a soft wooden
c. Drive the assembled bearing and housing onto
block. When the bearing is clean, blow it dry with
the end of the crankshaft. Secure by installing the
filtered compressed air. Do not allow bearing to
retaining ring (22).
spin. Dip it in light engine oil and wrap it in lint-
d. After the diaphragm ring (20) is installed on
free paper to protect it from dust and dirt.
the frame, position the upper diaphragm plate (18),
b. Wash the diaphragm with water and wipe
s p r i n g washer (16), plunger spring (15), and
plunger nut (14) on the plunger rod (13). During
c . Clean all remaining parts with approved
assembly, lubricate the lower end of the plunger rod
cleaning solvent; dry thoroughly.
with grease. Tighten the plunger nut onto the rod so
d. Inspect the bearing for rough, catching, and
that the spring is compressed to a length of 8 +
binding operation, excessive looseness between
1 / 32 inch.
balls and races, scoring, and other damage; replace
e. Turn the assembled plunger and spring into
a damaged bearing.
the threaded bore of the bearing housing (26) on
e. Inspect the diaphragm for wear, cracks,
t h e crankshaft. Tighten the plunger nut (14)
brittleness, deterioration, damage to seating sur-
against the bearing housing to lock the parts. Take
faces, cuts, bruises, and signs of leaking; replace a
care not to disrupt the length adjustment of the
dam aged diaphragm.
f. Inspect the diaphragm pot and diaphragm
f. Install the diaphragm on the pump as directed
ring for cracks, distortion, and damaged threads.
Clean up slightly damaged threads. Replace
g. Refer t o current lubrication o r d e r a n d
damaged parts.
lubricate all lube fittings.
4 - 2 2 . Disassembly
a. Lift the pump assembly and place blocking
The pump wheels are mounted on a one-piece,
under the pump frame so that the pump wheels just
round, bar-stock axle which, in turn, is mounted on
clear the ground.
the pump frame with U-bolts. The wheels have
b. Disassemble the wheels and axle from the
semi-pneumatic tires. Each wheel, tire, and bearing
pump assembly as shown in figure 4-5.
unit is treated only as a complete assembly and
should not be disassembled for maintenance or
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