![]() e. Inspect the shutter louvers for worn or damaged
weather stripping and operate by manually opening and
closing the louvers.
f. Replace a damaged shutter assembly.
7-28. Radiator Core and Tank
a. Remove and install the shutter assembly (pare
7-27, above).
b. Remove and install the radiator core and tank
c. Clean the outside of the radiator core with
compressed air. ~ d. Clean the radiator with an
approved solvent.
e. Flush the interior and exterior surfaces of the
radiator thoroughly with clean water.
f. Inspect the radiator, particularly at the corners,
for signs of leaks and damage. If a leak exists that
cannot be located, plug all outlets except the filler
opening. Submerge the radiator in water and connect
Figure 7-8. Radiator, removal and installation.
the filler opening to a low-pressure air source. Air
from the radiator with a wire brush and repaint.
bubbles will indicate the location of leaks.
i. Replace an unserviceable radiator.
Do not apply air pressure in excess of 15 psi. Higher
pressure will damage the radiator.
h. Remove all loose paint and rust spots
7-29. General
The centrifugal-impeller warer pump is flange mounted to
the front of the engine, and belt driven. It circulates the
f. Disconnect water pump hoses.
coolant through the pipes, tubing, and manifolds to the
g. Remove and install the water pump as directed in
cylinder assembly, cylinder heads, and radiator.
7-30. Assembly, Disassembly, and Repair
a. Drain the cooling system.
Reassemble in opposite sequence.
c. Remove and install the roof assembly (fig. 8-36).
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