![]() operator/crew to have on hand cr to obtain as required.
tivities and are normally furnished by supply on an
As required items-are indicated with an asterisk.
exchange basis.
i. Illustration, Column (9). This column is divided
Applied to high dollar value recoverable
as follows:
repair parts which are subject to special handling and
are issued on an exchange basis. Such repair parts are
(1) Figure Number, column (9) (a).
normally repaired or overhauled at depot maintenance
Indicates the figure number of the illustration in which
the item is shown.
Applied to repair parts specifically selected
(2) Item Number, column (9) (b). Indicates
for salvage by reclamation units because of precious
the callout number used to reference the item in the
metal content, critical materials, high dollar value
reusable casings and castings.
b. Federal Stock Number, Column (2). This
B-4. Explanation of Columns in the Tabular
column indicates the Federal stock number for the item.
List of Maintenance and Operating
Description, Column (S).
This column
indicates the Federal item name. and any additional
a. Component Application, Column (1). This
description of the item required. A part number or other
column identifies the component application of each
reference number is followed by the applicable five-digit
maintenance or operating supply item.
Federal supply code for manufacturers in parentheses.
Repair parts quantities included in kits, sets, and
b. Federal Stock Number, Column (2). This
assemblies are shown in front of the repair part name.
column indicates the Federal stock number for the item
aid will be used for requisitioning purposes.
d. Unit of Issue, Column (4). This column
indicates the unit used as a basis for issue, e. g. , ea,
Description, Column (3).
This column
pr, ft, yd, etc.
indicates the item and brief description.
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit rack, Column (5).
d. Quantity Requires for Initial Operation, Column
This column indicates the actual quantity contained in
This colunmn indicates the quantity of each
the unit pack.
maintenance or operating supply item required for initial
operation of the equipment.
f. Quantity Incorporated in Unit, Column (6). This
column indicates the quantity of the item used in the
e. Quantity Required for 8 Hours Operation,
functional group.
Column (5).
This column indicates the estimated
quantities required for an average eight hours of
g. Quantity Furnished With Equipment, Column
(7). This column indicates the quantity of an item
furnished with the equipment.
f. Notes, Column (6). This column indicates
informative notes keyed to data appearing in a
h. Quantity Authorized, Column (8). This column
preceding column.
indicates the quantity of an item authorized the
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