b. Removal.
to the valve face. This should show a contact width of
1/32 to 3/64 inch, and should fall well within the width of
the valve face, leaving at least 1/64 inch on either side
(1) Refer to paragraph 5-22a and remove the
of the contact area. If the contact area is greater than
engine and housing from the pumping unit.
1/16 inch, narrow the contact area by grinding the
outside diameter of the seat with a 15 degree stone, or
by grinding the inside diameter of the seat with a 60
degree or 75 degree stone. After the seat area is
corrected, touch the seat lightly with the original grinding
stone to remove the burred or feathered edge.
(11) Inspect the spring retainer seats, spring
retainer locks, valve stem caps, and valve tappet
assemblies for cracks, scoring, overheating, and wear.
Replace damaged parts.
valves in cylinder head.
install cylinder head in reverse order.
6-14. Oil Pan
Figure 6-14. (1)Installing valve guide.
a. General. The oil pan is located at the lower end of
the cylinder block. It serves as a container for the oil
which is circulated through the engine. It also aids in
the cooling of the hot oil.
Figure 6-14. (2)- Continued.
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