TM 5-4320-237-15
Section VI.
ward thrust of the weights. Thrust pins in the
99. General
governor weights engage a thrust sleeve, slid-
a. The camshaft rides on a non-rotating pin
ing it axially on the camshaft support pin.
in the crankcase. It is driven by a gear on the
This movement is transferred to the governor
crankshaft. The camshaft gear contains twice
yoke and shaft which is connected through a
as many teeth as the crankshaft gear, thus
spring-loaded linkage to the throttle lever on
causing the camshaft to rotate at one-half the
the carburetor. As the engine speed increases,
speed of the crankshaft. The camshaft oper-
the centrifugal force of the flyweights acts
ates the tappets which raise the valves for
against the spring-loaded linkage to close the
fuel intake and exhaust. It also operates the
throttle so that the engine speed will de.
plunger which engages the oil pump to main-
crease, thus maintaining a nearly constant en-
tain a full oil trough in the engine base.
gine speed under all load conditions for any
speed control lever setting.
b. Governor weights are pinned to one end
of the camshaft. As the camshaft rotates,
these weights are thrown outward by centri-
a. Removal and Disassembly.
fugal force. The higher the speed at which
(1) Remove the crankshaft (para 98).
the camshaft rotates, the greater is the out-
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