![]() TM 104320-202-15
reduced flow rate. If the upper portion of a
(5) To prevent traffic congestion along
tank is filled at a high rate, turbulent surge
a main highway, sufficient parking area
may cause a kickback of fuel and consequent-
should be provided for vehicles awaiting fuel-
ly spill-over before the tank is full. Tanks
ing. If the bypass road is sufficiently long to
should not be filled above the bottom of the
accommodate all vehicles, additional parking
filler necks. As each tank becomes full, the
area may not be necessary. Surfaced shoulders
nozzle valve should be closed, fillercap re-
may be employed as parking area if the right-
placed, and dust cap placed on nozzle tube.
of-way along a highway is sufficiently wide. If
If spills should occur, they should be wiped
a d e q u a t e parking area is not provided to
up or covered with earth immediately. When
accommodate all vehicles in a convoy or ele-
the fueling of all four vehicles is complete,
ment, the convoy should be divided into march
the dispenser may be slowed down while the
units so that only a reasonable number of
vehicle engines are started and the vehicles
vehicles will arrive at the fuel station at one
move out of the area.
(5) As the vehicles move out of the area,
(6) If the normal movement of traffic
4 vehicles waiting to be fueled move into po-
along a highway must be affected by fueling
sition opposite the 4 fueling points. The dis-
operations, road markings should be provided
penser s p e e d is increased and the fueling
to assist the movement of traffic through the
operation is repeated. If the second refueling
operation is to be delayed, the dispenser should
b. Fueling Procedures. Procedures for using
be shut down.
the 50 GPM dispenser for fueling vehicles
Caution: If at any time fire should
are very similar to those for filling 5-gallon
occur in the fueling area, the dispenser should
c a n s (para 223). When fueling vehicles,
be shut down, nozzle valves, closed, and ve-
follow applicable procedures outlined in para-
hicles moved out of the area until the fire is
graphs 2-12 through 221. After dust caps
extinguished and all hazards are removed.
are removed from hose nozzle tubes, tubes
should be inserted into fuel-tank filler necks,
and metal-to-metal contact between nozzle tube
2-23. Five Gallon Cans
and filler `neck should be maintained during the
The procedure for filling 5-gallon gasoline
entire filling of any tank to insure static bond.
cans with the 50 GPM dispenser is the same
The following sequence of operations may be
as that for filling 55-gallon drums. Because
employed at a typical convoy fuel station
fluid leaves the nozzle under great pressure
having four fueling points:
while entering a relatively small container, ex-
(1) Four vehicles move into position
treme care must be exercised to avoid over-
opposite the four fueling points, and vechicle
flow and spillage. If available, the hose and
engines are shut down.
fitting kit (fig. 25) should be used in the
can-filling operation. The hose and fitting kit
(2) Fillercap is removed from filler neck
designed to adapt the 50 GPM dispenser for
of each vehicle fuel tank.
the filling of 5gallon gasoline cans and for
(3) Dust caps are removed from hose
fueling vehicles. The kit consists basically of
nozzle tubes, and tubes are inserted into filler
two Y-branches, four 25-foot, collapsible dis-
necks. Contact between nozzle tube and filler
charge hose, and four dispensing nozzles. Dust
neck is maintained until fueling operation is
caps and plugs are also supplied to provide
complete and nozzle valve is closed.
for flexibility of operation. When the kit is
(4) Nozzle valves are opened and dis-
used with the dispenser, the 2 component 1 1/2
inch nozzles are removed from the dispenser
penser is started. As fuel level approaches the
top of a fuel tank, operator should release
d i s c h a r g e hose and replaced by the 2 Y-
n o z z l e level slightly to reduce flow and
branches. To these are added the four l-inch
should fill the remainder of the tank at the
hose, each fitted with a discharge nozzle.
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