![]() sonnel, the aircraft commander designates a
ment, and monitor loading, tie down, and off-
location other than that shown in the tie-
loading to insure compliance with this manual.
down diagram. If the item is relocated, the
(3) Inspect the aircraft for serviceability
aircraft commander must insure that:
appropriate to the mission, and comply with
(1) The number and load capacity of the
pertinent aviation directives and maintenance
t i e d o w n devices are as prescribed in this
manuals (app).
( 4 ) Provide ventilation to exhaust gas-
(2) The tiedown devices restraining the
oline fumes during all operations.
i t e m are secured to tiedown fittings of at
( 5 ) Loosen or tighten tiedown devices
least the same strength and in the same loca-
that cross the top of the item to counteract
tion relative to the item as those fittings used
the 10- to 20-percent expansion of gasoline
in the tiedown diagram.
that occurs during ascents to an altitude of
10,000 feet (two men are required).
(3) The aircraft center of gravity is main-
tained within limits prescribed for the C-7A
(6) Insure that tiedown devices attached
aircraft (app).
to fore and aft ends of the item are tight at
all times.
3 . Responsibilities
4 . Load Description
a. Transported Unit.
a. The approximate dimensions and weight
(1) Effect advance coordination with the
of one drum follow:
transporting unit, to include a request for the
tiedown devices required.
(2) Provide the manpower and materials
Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
80 inches.
n e e d e d to prepare, load, and off-load the
Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
46 inches.
(3) Prepare equipment for air transport
Weight of drum filled . . . . . 2,860 pounds (includes 250
with supervision and assistance as required
with approximately
pounds for drum weight).
from appropriate field support units.
425 gallons of gaso-
(4) Load, tie down, and off-load equip-
ment transported aboard the aircraft, subject
t o approval by the aircraft commander or
(Drum can be filled with approximately 425
his authorized representative. Such approval
gallons (2,610 pounds) of gasoline, using grav-
is to insure that loading, tiedown, and off-
ity-flow filling.)
l o a d i n g are accomplished as prescribed by
this manual.
b. A typical load is composed of two col-
lapsible drums, each filled with approximately
(5) Provide guidance to the aircraft com-
425 gallons of gasoline.
mander relative to safety and any technical
Peculiarities of the item which may affect its
air transport.
Support the fuselage with the steady
strut before loading item into aircraft.
(6) Observe the following safety precau-
5. Preparation and Loading
(a) Prior to loading, inspect drums for
leaks (consult TM 10-8110-201-14).
a. Materials.
(1) O n e 2 l/2-ton truck with cargo bed
(b) Provide fire extinguishers in air-
sideboards removed.
craft as follows:
1. One 40-pound, CO2 bottle.
( 2 ) Two plywood platforms, 48 by 84
inches, constructed with 2- by 6-inch beveled
2. One 2 1/2-gallon, foam-type bottle.
edging at the top surface.
b. Transporting Unit.
(3) Four plywood sheets, each 28 by 7 0
(1) Supply the tiedown devices required.
inches. Two sheets (fig. 1) are used to form
a i r c r a f t - a s s o c i a t e d equip-
a V-pallet to cradle each item.
(2) Operate
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