![]() TM 5-5430-226-12
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services ........................................................................... 2-3
a. General.
Your Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services table lists the inspections and care of your equipment
required to keep it in good operating condition. The interval column of your PMCS table tells you when to do
a certain check or service. The procedures column of the table tells you how to do the required task.
Carefully follow these instructions. If your equipment does not perform as required, refer to Chapter 3
Troubleshooting Procedures.
(1) Before You Operate. (Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS. Perform your before (B)
(2) While You Operate. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS. Perform your during (D)
(3) After You Operate. Be sure to perform your after (A) PMCS.
(4) If Your Equipment Fails to Operate. If your equipment does not perform as required, refer to Chapter 3
under Troubleshooting for possible problems. Report any malfunctions or failures on DA Form 2404, or
refer to DA PAM 738-750.
b. PMCS Procedures.
(1) Purpose of PMCS. Your Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services list the inspections and servicing
requirements necessary to keep the equipment in good operating condition.
(2) Item Number Column. Checks and services are numbered in chronological order regardless of interval.
This column is used as a source of item number-for the "TM Number" column on DA Form 2404,
Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, in recording results of PMCS.
(3) Interval Columns. The interval columns tell you when to do a certain check or service: before, during, or
after operation. Sometimes a dot may be placed in more than one interval column which means you
should do the check or service at each of the intervals.
(4) Item To Be Inspected Column. This column lists the common name of the item to be inspected such as
"Drain Assembly".
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