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TM 5-5430-218-13
(10) Check tank for leaks.
If tank leaks, notify supervisor.
Repeat these procedures for each tank requiring service. When
servicing operations are completed, make one final inspection
for leaks or damage.
Notify unit maintenance if repairs are
c .
Draining Fuel.
Fuel can be drained from the tank through the drain hose and valve.
Draining fuel using this method is not recommended. Sludge and trapped
moisture must be drained off before usable fuel can be obtained.
Dangerous and explosive conditions can exist anytime exces-
sive fuel vapors are present.
Fuel vapors can be absorbed by clothing and other materials,
making them highly inflammable.
Use of electrical or spark producing devices within 100 feet
(30.50 meters) of the tank may ignite fuel vapors resulting
in explosion or fire.
Skin exposed to liquid fuels is subject to toxic chemical re-
action which can cause injury to skin or eyes.
Do not allow any smoking within 100 feet (30.50 meters) of
the storage area.
A v o i d g e t t i n g f u el
becomes saturated,
the body thoroughly
o n t h e b o d y o r c l o t h i n g.
I f c l o t h i n g
remove the clothing immediately and wash
with hot, soapy water.
Avoid spillage of fuel.
When spillage occurs, cover the af-
fected area with dry soil to reduce its rate of evaporation.
P o s i t i o n f i r e e x t i n g u i s h e r s a t r e a d i l y a c c e s s i b l e p o s i t i o ns
around the tank.
Safety berms must have capacities of not less than one and
one half (1½) times of the tank capacity.
Do not disassemble or replace tank components while tank is
f i l l e d w i t h f u e l.
Failure to heed this warning can result in
injury to personnel.