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TM 5-4320-305-10
Turn front jack crank (1) clockwise until front jack extension (2) is in position to support the front end of
trailer. Uncouple safety chain assemblies (3) and coupling (4) from tow vehicle. Disconnect
intervehicular connector (5) from tow vehicle. If front jack extension begins to sink into the ground,
reconnect coupling and safety chain assemblies to tow vehicle. Crank front jack extension up, and
install pad (6) with attaching bolt (7) and nut and lockwasher (8).
Install rear jacks (1). Slip cantilever tube (2) into rear jack stand locator tube (3) on trailer frame (4).
Aline the holes in locator tube and cantilever tube. Insert hitch pin (5) so that the pin projects
completely through the locator and cantilever tubes. Repeat for both jacks.
Turn rear jack cranks (6) clockwise
until the rear jack extensions firmly
support the trailer in a level position.
If the rear jack extensions begin to
sink into the ground, raise them up
and install pads (7) with attaching bolt
(8) and lockwasher and nut (9).