![]() TM 5-4320-273-14
d. Reassembly.
brackets (5 and 6), and spring clips (15) on the axle
(1) Rotate each spring until the end is held by
its axle clip.
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(2) Hold the springs (13 and 14) against the
clips and position the top brackets (5 and 6) on the
opposite end of the springs.
or P-S 661, used to clean parts is poten-
(3) Install bearing inserts (12) between the top
tially dangerous to personnel and pro-
brackets and the axle.
perty. Avoid repeated and prolonged
(4) Attach the base brackets (7 and 8) to the top
skin contact. DO NOT use near open
brackets and secure with screws (11), lockwashers
flame or excessive heat. Flash point of
(10), and nuts (9).
solvent is 100 to 138F (38 to 60C).
e. Installation.
(1) Attach the axle assembly to the underside
(1) Clean axle parts with cleaning solvent (fed.
spec. P-D-680); dry thoroughly.
nuts (2).
(2) Inspect the axle for cracks, distortion, or
(2) Install bearings, hubs, wheels, and tires.
damaged threads. The spindle ends of the axle
must be on the same axis. Check spring retaining
8-3. Frame.
clips for damage. Replace a damaged axle.
a. Removal and Disassembly.
(3) Inspect the bearing insert (12) for wear or
(1) Remove the pump and engine assemblies.
other damage. Replace if damaged.
(2) Remove the wheel and axle assemblies.
(4) Inspect for cracked, distorted, or weak
(3) Remove the tool box.
springs. Axle assembly must be replaced if springs
are weak are damaged.
(4) Remove the towing tongue pin and
withdraw the tongue from the tube.
(5) Inspect all parts for rust, corrosion, chip-
ped paint, and distortion. Remove rust and corro-
(5) Remove stand, anchor pin assemblies (1,
sion with a wire brush or scraper. Touch up and
paint as necessary.
screws (10) that secure the front stand (11) to the
frame: remove stand from frame.
Change 2
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