TM 5-4320-273-14
7-1. Description.
Pump tolerances and wear limits which will help
This self-priming pump is designed to pump flam-
you determine if parts replacement is required are
mable liquids at relatively high discharge heads. It
shown in figure 7-2,
has a closed-type impeller which is mounted directly
on the extended crankshaft and contains no bearings
since the crankshaft is adequately supported by the
a. Removal.
engine bearings. Leakage around the shaft is
(1) Remove the suction piping assembly,
discharge piping assembly, and the instrument con-
prevented by a face seal which primarily consists of a
trol panel.
ni-resist stationary seat and a spring-loaded carbon
(2) Remove the pump air eliminator.
rotating member. The highly finished mating sur-
(3) Referring to figure 7-1, drain the pump by
faces are in constant contact to stop seepage of fluid
opening the drain cock (1). Remove the drain cock to
through the seal.
prevent damage during further disassembly.
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