![]() TM 5-4320-273-14
distinguish from the rectifier module by the red and
replace the stator.
black leads. Using an ohmmeter, all continuity
(a) With positive meter probe connected to
black wire No. 1 and negative probe connected to
checks shall indicate infinite resistance. Any other
black wire No. 2, the multimeter should indicate ap-
reading indicates that a short circuit exists and the
proximately 1.00 ohm resistance.
regulator must be replaced. The ohmmeter probe con-
(b) With positive meter probe connected to
nections shall be as follows:
black wire No. 1 and negative probe connected to the
(a) Positive probe connected to red lead.
dark blue wire (center tap), the resistance should be
Negative probe connected to engine ground.
(b) Positive probe connected to engine ground.
approximately 0.50 ohm.
Negative probe connected to red lead.
(c) With positive meter probe connected to
black wire No. 2 and negative probe connected to the
(c) Positive probe connected to red lead.
Negative probe connected to black lead.
dark blue wire (center tap), the resistance should be
approximately 0.50 ohm.
(d) Positive probe connected to black lead.
Negative probe connected to red lead.
(d) With the positive meter probe connected to
black lead No. 1 and negative probe connected to the
(e) Positive probe connected to black lead.
Negative probe connected to engine ground.
red lead, the resistance should be 2.75 ohms.
(e) With the positive meter probe connected to
b. Removal.
black lead No. 2 and negative probe connected to the
(1) Remove screws (1, fig. 6-3), lockwashers (2)
red lead, the resistance should be 1.75 ohms.
and flywheel screen (3) from the flywheel shroud (4).
(f) Any connection between a lead and engine
(2) Using a punch, drive pin (1, fig. 6-4) from
ground should indicate infinite resistance. Any other
crankshaft. Remove nut (2) and lockwasher (3) that
reading indicates that a short circuit exists and the
secure the flywheel (4) to the crankshaft.
stator must be replaced.
(3) To check the rectifier module, which you can
Take care when you remove the
distinguish from the regulator by the two black leads,
flywheel; it weighs about 50 pounds
use an ohmmeter and static check continuity.
(22.68 kg). Do not damage the stator of
Replace the rectifier module if tests indicate
the alternator which is mounted on
the gear cover and recesses within
(a) With the positive meter probe connected to
the magnetic rotor of the flywheel.
the engine ground and the negative probe connected
(3) Remove the flywheel (4) by pulling outward
to black lead No. 1, the meter should indicate 5 to 15
ohm resistance.
on the flywheel fins while you strike the end of the
crankshaft with a brass drift or aluminum hammer.
(b) With the positive meter probe connected to
Do not use a hard hammer, as you may damage the
black lead No. 1 and the negative probe connected to
crankshaft and bearings. The flywheel will slide off
the engine ground, the resistance shall be infinite.
Any other reading indicates that a short circuit
the taper of the crankshaft. Remove Woodruff key
(4) Remove stator assembly (4, fig, 6-13) by
(c) With the positive meter probe connected to
removing screws (l), lockwashers (2), and pins (3) that
the engine ground and the negative probe connected
to black lead No. 2, the resistance shall be 5 to 15
secure the stator to the flywheel shroud and engine
gear cover.
(5) Remove the nuts (5), lockwashers (6), and
(d) With the positive meter probe connected to
black lead No. 2 and the negative probe connected to
screws (7) that secure the rectifier module (8),
the engine ground, the resistance shall be infinite.
regulator module shield (9), and regulator module
Any other reading indicates a short circuit exists.
(10). Remove the screws (11) that secure the isolation
(4) Check the regulator module, which you can
diode (12).
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