![]() TM 5-4320-273-14
Constant current battery charging is always
p r e f e r r e d . If
a. Before you operate the pumping assembly, inspect
the equipment as follows:
temperatures must be maintained at less
(1) Inspect for damage that may have recurred
than 130F (54.4C) by interrupting the
during shipment.
charging procedure as this temperature is
(2) Inspect for loose or missing hardware. Tighten
all loose hardware.
(3) Remove any preservatives or tapes which may
Use distilled water or a good grade drinking
have been used to protect components or seal openings.
water (excluding mineral water).
(4) Inspect the controls, instruments, gages, and
(2) During charging, check the electrolyte level
valves for damage and loose mountings; free levers and
frequently. Add distilled water when necessary to maintain
linkage of any binding.
the battery electrolyte level. Continue charging after adding
(5.) Inspect all accessible wiring for loose
water to assure proper mixing of solution.
connections, cuts, burns, frayed insulation and damaged
terminals and shielding. Replace damaged wiring or
Take precautions against spilling electrolyte
(6) Inspect the fire extinguisher to be sure that it is
on clothing or allowing it to come in contact
fully charged and in operating condition.
with skin as burns may occur. Use rubber
gloves when filling battery. Do not smoke or
(7) Ensure the oil in the crankcase is at the proper
use open flame in the vicinity when servicing
level and then turn over the engine using the engine crank.
the batteries, since they generate hydrogen
The engine and pump should turn freely without binding or
gas which is highly explosive. Fill the fuel
scraping or other signs of faulty operation.
tank with gasoline. Fuel tank capacity is 20
gallons (76 liters).
O c c u r r e n c e of a clicking noise while
42. Installation.
handcranking engine indicates an engaged
a. Locate the unit as close as possible to the liquid
starting motor Bendix. This is usually caused
source and maintain the suction lift as low as practical with
by weak battery. The battery should have a
the line sloping up to the pump to eliminate air pockets.
specific gravity reading of 1.250 or above. Use a
Locate the unit on level terrain and, if conditions permit,
fully charged battery and start the engine. The
avoid muddy, sandy, or dusty sites. Before the pumping
starter Bendix will disengage when the engine
assembly is disengaged from the towing vehicle, pull down
speed reaches 900 rpm or above.
and lock front stand in position and block the wheels
(8) Report any damage or malfunctioning to your
securely. If it is necessary to compensate for unlevel terrain
or soft undergrounding, arrange a foundation of planking
b. Servicing the pumping assembly primarily consists
logs or concrete that is capable of withstanding the weight of
of the following:
the unit when filled with liquid and secure enough to
minimize vibration. You should allow ample room around
the pump to support the suction and discharge hoses and to
Use an electrolyte with a specific gravity of
service the pump as required.
1.280. Do not use tropical electrolyte which
b. Make sure that your connections in the suction line
will reduce battery reserve capacity.
are air tight. Even a small leak will greatly reduce pumping
(1) If you are preparing the pumping assembly for
efficiency and may cause difficulty in priming, especially
initial use, fill battery with electrolyte to a level of 3/8 inch
when the pump is operating with a high suction lift.
(0.93 cm) above plates. Check specific gravity with a
c. Connect the discharge hose to one of the couplings
hydrometer; it should be at least 1.250 or higher at 75F
of the discharge pipe assembly. If fluid is to be supplied to
(23.8C). It is good practice to charge the battery for 10 or 15
alternate locations, connect a discharge hose to the second
minutes before applying the starting leads. Charge the
discharge coupling.
battery using a constant current charger. Check the specific
gravity of the electrolyte every 30 minutes. The battery is
d. Close the suction valves. Check to be sure that the
fully charged when you get a constant specific gravity
drain valve at the bottom of the pump housing is closed. To
reading for three 30 minute intervals.
prime the pump, remove the primer fill cap
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