![]() TM 5-4320-273-14
a. Fuel System.
(1) Keep the area surrounding the fuel tank fill
Oil and Fuel. Keep stores
c. Protection of Stores of
cap free of ice, snow, or other moisture.
of oil and fuel tightly closed to protect them from
(2) Thoroughly clean containers before using for
dust or sand. If possible, store the supplies in a shed
fuel storage.
or storage room or cover them with a tarpaulin.
(3) Keep the fuel tank full when the pump is not
in use to prevent an excessive amount of water con-
Salt air causes a rapid deterioration of unpainted
densation in the fuel system of the engine.
surfaces. You should remove rust formations im-
(4) Service the fuel filter frequently to remove
mediately and protect the exposed surfaces with
any moisture from the bowl.
paint, if available, or with a light coat of oil. Check
b. Engine Ignition System. Keep the starter,
all electrical contacts daily and replace corroded
magneto, and other electrical fixtures free of
c. Lubrication. Refer to LO 5-4320-273-12 to assure
that engine lubricant is the proper grade for the
Before moving the pumping assembly to a new
coldest conditions likely to be encountered.
location, you should observe the following procedures.
a. Close all gate valves.
You must protect the unit from dust or sand as
b. Seal the suction and discharge openings with the
much as possible to ensure proper cooling and
appropriate dust caps/plugs issued with the equip-
a, Lubrication. When adding oil to the crankcase,
c. Disconnect and stow the grounding wire and
remove any dirt or sand from around the filler neck.
grounding rod.
Keep the crankcase breather cap clean. Lubricate in
d. If the pump is being towed, secure the front
accordance with LO 5-4320-273-12.
stand support in the "up" position after the drawbar
b. Air Cleaner. Service the air cleaner as often as
is secured to the towing vehicle.
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