![]() TM 5-4320-273-14
S e c t i o n I. GENERAL
1-1. Scope
This manual is for your use in operating and main-
This pumping assembly is not covered by an ESC.
taining the Pumping Assembly, Flammable Liquid,
Bulk Transfer, GED, 350 GPM Capacity, 275 Feet
Total Head Wheel Mounted (German-Rupp Model
P r e v e n t Enemy Use
a. Using an axe, pick, mattock, sledge, or any
1-2. Reporting of Errors
other heavy implement, damage all vital elements
You can help to improve this manual by calling at-
such as controls, engine fuel pump, switches or any
t e n t i o n to errors and by recommending im-
other major assemblies.
provements. Your letter, DA Form 2028 (Recom-
mended Changes to Publications), and DA Form 2028-
nuts and bolts into pump case. Run engine until
2 (Recommended Changes to Equipment Technical
pump fails.
Manuals) may be used. Copies of DA Form 2028-2 are
c. Demolition with explosives. Place as many
attached in the back of the manual for your use.
charges as time permits. Place charges in vital areas
Please mail your recommended changes directly to
such as under the engine, control box, under and
Commander, U.S. Army Troop Support Command,
around the pumps. Use a suitable detonator to blow
ATTN. AMSTS-MPP, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St.
all charges simultaneously.
Louis, Mo. 63120. A reply will be furnished directly to
1-6. Administrative
This pumping assembly is prepared for ad-
ministrative storage according to instructions
Maintenance forms, records, and reports that you
provided in TM 740-90-1.
are required to use are listed in TM 38-750.
1-7. Description
for pumping gasolines, jet fuels, light liquid
petroleum fuels, and water. A right front, three-
a. General. The pumping assembly is a self-
quarter view and a left rear, three-quarter view of
contained unit consisting primarily of a centrifugal
the pumping assembly are shown in figures 1-1 and 1-
pump powered by a gasoline engine directly coupled
2, respectively.
to the pump. The pump and engine are secured to a
wheel-mounted welded frame. The unit is designed
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