b. Cleaning and Inspection
and leaking. The presence of any fluid in the float
indicates leaking; you must replace the float.
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated area.
(4) Inspect the valve (11) for wear or grooves
Avoid inhalation of solvent fumes and
in the seating surfaces. If either the valve or valve
seat (14) is damaged, you must replace both parts.
prolonged exposure of the skin to
cleaning solvent. Wash exposed skin
(5) Inspect the float lever (15), pin (12), and
retainer (10) for wear and distortion.
(1) Discard and replace the gasket (7, fig. 4-
(6) Replace any defective parts.
c. Reassembly and Installation. Reassemble
20). Clean all remaining parts with cleaning solvent
and install the air eliminator as shown in figures 4-
(fed. spat. P-D-680); dry thoroughly.
20 and 4-17. After installation, start the pump and
(2) Inspect the cover (6) and body (16) for
check that the assembly discharges the air from the
cracks, distortion, damaged threads, and damaged
discharge system but that it does not allow the
escape of a significant amount of fluid through the
(3) Inspect the float (9) for cracks, distortion,
valve at the top of the assembly.
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