(3) With positive meter probe connected to
black wire No. 2 and negative probe connected to
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated area.
the dark blue wire (center tap), the resistance
Avoid inhalation of solvent fumes and
should be approximately 0.50 ohm.
prolonged exposure of the skin to
cleaning solvent. Wash exposed skin
(4) With the positive meter probe connected
to black lead No. 1 and negative probe connected to
the red lead, the resistance should be 2.75 ohms.
(2) Flush the metallic parts with a solution of
water and baking soda to neutralize any spilled
(5) With the positive meter probe connected
to black lead No. 2 and negative probe connected to
acid. Remove any greasy or gummy deposits with a
cloth dampened with cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-
the red lead, the resistance should be 1.75 ohms.
(6) If any of these tests indicate a short or
open circuit, the stator must be replaced. Refer
(3) Inspect all parts for cracks, corrosion,
d a m a g e d paint, stripped threads, and other
trouble to direct and general support maintenance.
damage. Touch up damaged paint. Replace
(7) Any connection between a lead and engine
ground should indicate infinite resistance. Any
damaged parts.
(4) If necessary, s e r v i c e the battery as
other reading indicates that a short circuit exists
directed in subparagraph a above.
and the stator must be replaced.
d. Reassembly and Installation. Refer to figure
c. To check the rectifier module, which you can
4-8 and install the battery, battery box, and cables
distinguish from the regulator by the two black
in the reverse order of removal. After installation,
leads, use a multimeter and static check continuity
be sure that you coat the battery terminals with
as follows:
G A A lubricant or petroleum jelly to prevent
(1) With the positive meter probe connected
to the engine ground and the negative probe
connected to black lead No. 1, the meter should
indicate 5 to 15 ohms resistance.
Testing of the alternator and components shall be
(2) With the positive meter probe connected
done while the parts are mounted on the engine.
to black lead No. 1 and the negative probe con-
The rectifier and regulator modules and the
nected to the engine ground, the resistance shall be
isolation diode are grounded to the engine so that
infinite. Any other reading indicates that a short
they cannot be tested while mounted at a remote
circuit exists and the rectifier must be replaced.
location. Before conducting the following tests to
Report trouble to direct and general support
determine the condition of the components, check
to insure that you have good continuity between the
(3) With the positive meter probe connected
modules and the engines. These are static tests
to the engine ground and the negative probe
which do not require that you run the engine.
connected to black lead No. 2, the resistance shall
Disconnect battery leads and uncouple the con-
be 5 to 15 ohms.
nectors that connect the modules to the stator leads.
(4) With the positive meter probe connected
a. You can check the operation of the battery
to black lead No. 2 and the negative probe con-
charging system by observing the ammeter. The
nected to the engine ground, the resistance shall be
ammeter should indicate a high charging rate
infinite. Any other reading indicates that a short
immediately after starting. After a few minutes the
circuit exists and the rectifier must be replaced.
ammeter should return to near zero. If the ammeter
d. Check the regulator module, which you can
does not operate in this manner or if it indicates a
distinguish from the rectifier module by the red and
discharge rate, perform checks in subparagraphs b
black leads. Using a multimeter, all continuity
through d below.
checks shall indicate infinite resistance. Any other
b. T o c h e c k f o r s t a t o r c o n t i n u i t y , u s e a
reading indicates that a short circuit exists and the
multimeter with R x 1 scale (minimum sensitivity
regulator must be replaced. Report trouble to direct
of 20,000 ohm / volts), and check as follows:
and general support maintenance. The multimeter
(1) With positive meter probe connected to
probe connections shall be as follows:
black wire No. 1 and negative probe connected to
(1) Positive probe connected to red lead.
black wire No. 2, the multimeter should indicate
Negative probe connected to engine ground.
approximately 1.00 ohm resistance. Replace stator
(2) Positive probe connected to engine
if multimeter indicates a short (no resistance) or
open (infinite resistance) circuit.
Negative probe connected to red lead.
(2) With positive meter probe connected to
(3) Positive probe connected to red lead.
black wire No. 1 and negative probe connected to
Negative probe connected to black lead.
the dark blue wire (center tap), the resistance
should be approximately 0.50 ohm.
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