dust and dirt to enter the engine, causing rapid
positions, screw the ball joint on or off the control
engine wear.
rod until you can aline the right angle stud on the
(2) When you connect the choke control wire
ball joint fitting with the top hole on the governor
to the carburetor, adjust it so that the choke lever
lever, then screw fitting in two additional turns.
can move through its full operating range as the
d. Insert ball joint stud into the top hole in the
choke control on the instrument panel is operated.
governor lever, install and tighten lock nuts.
( 3 ) Adjust the throttle linkage from the
e. With the governor lever pushed toward the
governor as directed in paragraph 4-21.
carburetor as far as it will go, be sure you have
approximately 1/16-inch clearance between the
throttle lever and the stop pin on the carburetor. If
To insure proper operation of the governor and
the clearance is not correct, you can adjust it by
carburetor, refer to figure 4-6 and adjust the
turning control lever ball joint farther on or off
throttle linkage as follows:
control rod; refer to above subparagraph c.
f. To adjust the maximum operating speed of the
Before you adjust the throttle linkage, you must make
engine you must be sure the spring is hooked into
sure the idle speed adjusting screw is set for the
the proper hole in the governor lever. Hook the
proper idle speed.
spring in hole No. 11 (fig. 4-6), the eleventh hole up
a. Disconnect the control rod ball joint from the
from the lever shaft. There are 12 spring mounting
governor lever.
holes. With engine operating and throttle fully
b. Push the control rod toward the carburetor as
open, the full-load speed will be approximately
far as it will go, causing the throttle to open fully.
2350 rpm.
c. Move the governor lever as far as possible in
the same direction. Holding both parts in these
instructions may damage the alternator
4-22. Description
rectifiers, voltage regulator, and wiring.
a. Battery. T h e electrical system includes the
c. Magneto. The magneto is timed to the engine
battery box which houses one 24-volt, lead-acid-
and is driven by the idler gear. Voltage induced by
type storage battery to power the 24-volt, negative
the magneto coils is applied to the spark plug of the
ground electrical system. Battery output is used to
appropriate cylinder at the required instant by the
energize the electrical starting motor to start the
distributor rotor in the magneto. The breaker
engine. The battery charge is partially depleted as
points open at the correct instant to assure a hot
the engine is started and is restored by the battery
spark to the spark plug at this time. The magneto
charging system consisting of the alternator and
also contains automatic spark advance provisions
voltage regulator.
so that the spark will occur sooner during high
b. Alternator and Regulator. T h e f l y w h e e l
speed operation. This is necessary for smooth
alternator is a permanent-magnet type and has no
engine performance.
brushes, commutator, belts, or adjustments. The
d. Spark Plugs. Four radio-shielded spark plugs
alternator output is controlled through the voltage
receive the spark from the magneto and ignite the
regulator, depending upon the state of battery
fuel-air mixture in the appropriate cylinder. The
charge. When the battery charge is low, the voltage
firing order of the cylinders is 1-3-4-2. When you
regulator increases the output of the alternator;
view the engine from the flywheel end, the number
when the battery charge is normal, the output of the
1 cylinder is the one nearest the flywheel on the left
alternator decreases to near zero.
bank of cylinders. The number 3 cylinder is the
other cylinder in this bank. The number 2 cylinder
Though this engine is equipped with a
is the one nearest the flywheel in the right bank of
reverse polarity protector, you should
cylinders and the number 4 is the other cylinder in
take special precautions when con-
this bank.
necting and disconnecting electrical
e. Starting Motor. The starting motor has a
leads and cables. Do not reverse battery
Bendix drive gear which engages the flywheel ring
connections. Do not operate engine with
gear when the starter switch pushbutton is
battery disconnected from the system.
depressed. The starting motor disengages when the
Make sure you connect any booster
button is released. You maintain die starting motor
batteries properly. When you use a fast
by replacing the brushes when worn.
battery charger, disconnect at lease one
f. Oil Pressure Safety Switch. The oil pressure
battery lead. Failure to follow these
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