blow through the lines with compressed air to make
(1) Disconnect auxiliary fuel lines, if used,
sure they are clear.
and operate the fuel selector valve (17) to OFF.
(2) Disconnect and remove hose assembly (2)
(5) Inspect the hose for cracks, fraying, and
between valve and fuel strainer. Remove pipe
damaged threads; replace a damaged hose.
e l b o w (3) and bushing (4).
(6) Inspect the 3-way valve for difficult
o p e r a t i o n and for cracked or damaged threads;
(3) Remove the drain plug (1) from the
replace a damaged valve.
bottom of the fuel tank. Be sure you have large
enough container in which to drain the fuel.
(7) Inspect a l l o t h e r p a r t s f o r c r a c k s ,
(4) Remove the four cap screws (8), flat
distortion, a n d d a m a g e d t h r e a d s ; r e p l a c e a n y
washers (7), lock washers (6), and nuts (5) that
damaged parts.
s e c u r e the fuel tank (24) to the trailer frame.
(8) Inspect the fuel level gage for free
operation of the float and proper registration of the
Remove the fuel tank.
level indicator. Replace gage if damaged.
(5) You can now disassemble the fuel tank as
c. Reassembly and Installation. Reassemble and
shown in figure 4-3. Note that the liquid level gage
i n s t a l l the fuel tank fuel lines, and fittings in
(23) is threaded into the tank and that you can
remove it by turning counterclockwise.
r e v e r s e order of removal and disassembly. Pay
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
particular attention to the following:
(1) Be sure that the drain plug (1, figure 4-3)
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated area.
is installed and all fittings are tightened properly
Avoid inhalation of solvent fumes and
before you fill the tank with fuel.
prolonged exposure of the skin to
( 2 ) After you have partially filled the tank
cleaning solvent. Wash exposed skin
with fuel, check for leaks of the system. Correct any
leaks noted.
(1) Steam-clean the inside and outside of the
fuel tank. Thoroughly flush with cleaning solvent
(fed. spec. P-D-680).
You shall remove the fuel pump only when required
to replace a leaking gasket or when tests indicate that
If conditions require emergency fuel
the fuel pump is faulty.
tank repairs by welding or other
a. Testing. To test the fuel pump for faulty
methods involving heat or flame, all
operation, proceed as follows:
gasoline fumes must be purged from
( 1 ) With engine off, assure that it will not
the tank before commencing repair.
s t a r t b y t r i p p i n g o i l p r e s s u r e s a f e t y switch.
Applying heat or flame to a fuel tank
Disconnect fuel line at carburetor.
containing gasoline residue may result
(2) Turn the engine over with the starter. A
in a violent explosion, causing injury or
properly operating fuel pump will squirt out fuel
death to maintenance personnel.
w i t h some force. Replace a faulty operating or
(2) Inspect the fuel tank for cracks, dents,
damaged fuel pump.
damaged threads, and broken weldments. Replace
b. Removal and Disassembly. R e m o v e a n d
a damaged fuel tank.
disassemble the fuel pump and fuel strainer
(3) To remove embedded material from the
following the sequence indicated in figure 4-4. Pay
strainer, you can use a soft-bristled brush.
particular attention to the following:
(4) Clean all fuel lines and fittings with
cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-680). You should
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