![]() bearing supported shaft in the upper part of the
b. Fuel Tank, Lines, and Fittings. The fuel
timing gear cover and is driven off the camshaft
system consists of a fuel tank (fig. 1-1) which is
gear. As the engine speed increases or decreases, the
mounted on the trailer frame beside the engine. It
governor transfers the centrifugal forces to axial
incorporates a 3-way fuel source selector valve (6,
movements which operate the governor control
lever. The control lever is connected to the throttle
tank or from an auxiliary source, whichever way
control on the carburetor and as the engine tends to
the valve is operated. A fuel line connects the 3-way
increase, the throttle is closed slightly, resulting in a
valve with the fuel pump.
decrease in engine speed. This decrease in engine
c. Fuel Pump. The diaphragm-type, engine-
speed causes a decrease in centrifugal forces which
driven fuel pump (7, fig. 4-4) is operated by a lobe
causes the governor to operate the control lever in
on the camshaft. It is mounted on the top rear of
the opposite direction. The governor lever then
the engine. Fuel is pumped through a strainer to the
opens the carburetor throttle, tending to speed up
carburetor, w h i c h is mounted on the intake
the engine. In this manner, a balanced condition is
reached and the engine speed remains constant, as
determined by the throttle control setting. Ad-
mounted between the line from the fuel tank and
justment of the governor is made by changing the
the fuel pump. It is necessary to prevent sediment,
tension of the spring which applies tension to the
dirt, and water from entering the carburetor. In-
governor control lever. Tightening the spring tends
spect the fuel bowl frequently and empty out any
to raise engine speed at any particular throttle
dirt and water; wipe it dry with a clean cloth.
control setting. Decreasing spring tension lowers
e. Carburetor. The side draft-type carburetor (3,
the speed.
the engine to meet the needs of the engine power
4-17. Air Cleaner and Piping
requirements. A float system controls the level of
the fuel in the carburetor float bowl. Adjustment
The air cleaner element must be replaced after one
screws are provided to permit regulation of the
year of service or after it has been cleaned six times,
high-speed operation fuel mixture, the idle mixture,
whichever comes first.
and the idle speed. Choking is controlled manually.
a. Removal and Disassembly.
f. Governor. Engine speed is controlled by the
(1) Remove and disassemble the air cleaner
inter-operation of the governor and carburetor. The
and related parts following the sequence indicated
centrifugal flyball governor rotates on a ball
in figure 4-2.
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