![]() the oil filler pipe to bring the oil up to the proper
level. Take care not to overfill.
find the oil level to be low, add enough oil through
is noted during operation which would damage the
3-4. General
equipment if operation were continued. You shall
To insure that the pumping assembly is ready for
record all deficiencies and shortcomings together
operation a t a l l t i m e s , you must inspect it
with the corrective action taken on DA Form 2404
systematically so that defects may be discovered
(Equipment Inspection and M a i n t e n a n c e
and corrected before they result in serious damage
Worksheet). Correct all deficiencies at the earliest
or failure. The necessary preventive maintenance
possible opportunity.
services to be performed by you are listed in table 3-
1. The sequence numbers indicate the order in
3-5. Preventive Maintenance Checks and
which you should perform the preventive main-
tenance checks and services. Defects discovered
Refer to table 3-1 for a listing of operator / crew
during operation of the unit shall be noted for
preventive maintenance checks and services.
correction, to be made as soon as operation has
ceased. Stop operation immediately if a deficiency
Checks and Services
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