1-1. Scope
1-3. Reporting of Errors
Reporting of errors, omissions, and recom-
This technical manual covers direct support and
g e n e r a l support maintenance for Pumping
mendations for improving this publication by the
Assembly, Flammable Liquid, Bulk Transfer,
individual user is encouraged. Reports should be
Centrifugal, Gasoline-Engine-Driven, 100 gallons
submitted on DA Form 2028, Recommended
Changes to Publications, a n d forwarded to
per minute, Federal Stock Number 4320-150-
Commanding General, U . S. Army Mobility
6116. This pump is manufactured by Barnes
Manufacturing Company, Mansfield, Ohio, as
E q u i p m e n t Command, ATTN: AMSME-MP,
4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis,
Model US6ACG.
Mo. 63120.
1-2. Forms and Records
Maintenance forms, records, and reports which are
used by maintenance personnel at all maintenance
levels are listed in and prescribed by TM 38-750.
1-4. Description
mounted on each side of the pump, and two
manually operated hose nozzles which attach to the
a. Pumping Assembly Model US6ACG (fig. 1-
discharge ends of the discharge hoses to control the
1) consists of an engine-driven pump mounted on a
flow of liquid.
frame, a rigid-walled suction hose, two non-rigid
discharge hoses which are stored in hose containers
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