![]() (6) Remove the screws (9) and lock washers
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(10) that secure the magneto frame to the engine
(1) Wipe carbon and other deposits from the
bearing plate; remove the magneto frame.
spark plug terminals. Clean the remainder of the
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
plug with a cloth dampened with an approved
(1) Wipe the magneto coil and capacitor with
cleaning solvent; dry thoroughly.
a cloth dampened lightly with an approved cleaning
(2) Wipe the spark plug cable with a cloth
solvent; dry thoroughly. If contact points are dirty,
lightly dampened with solvent. Take care not to
burnish them with fine sandpaper.
saturate the parts.
(3) Inspect the spark plug for burned ter-
(2) Clean the magneto frame with an ap-
proved cleaning solvent; dry thoroughly.
minals, defective insulator, and damaged threads.
(3) Inspect the magneto coil for obvious
If the spark plug is in good condition, regap it to
defects which could result in damaged windings,
0.020 inch. If terminals are corroded or pitted,
and for cracks, deterioration of insulation, and
replace the plug.
damaged electrical connections. Continuity of the
(4) Inspect the spark plug cable for damaged
coil can be checked with a test lamp. Check con-
shielding, cracked or deteriorated insulation,
tinuity across the primary terminals to check the
damaged connector threads, or other damage;
primary circuit. The test lamp should light when
replace a damaged spark plug cable.
connected in series with the primary circuit. To
c. Installation.
check the secondary circuit, connect the test lamp
(1) Install the spark plug (1, fig. 4-3) and
from the secondary terminal to one of the primary
gasket (2) on the cylinder head. Torque the spark
terminals. The test lamp will not light, but con-
plug to 27 foot-pounds.
tinuity will be indicated by small sparks as the leads
(2) Connect the threaded end of the cable (4)
are rubbed across the terminals. Replace an open
to the spark plug. Connect the opposite end of the
magneto coil.
cable by inserting the cable end into the socket of
(4) Check the capacitor with a capacitor
the magneto coil (5). Connect the shielding of the
checker if available. If a capacitor checker is not
cable to the magneto frame.
available, the capacitor can be checked with an
(3) Install the flywheel and starter pulley on
ohmmeter. When the ohmmeter is connected across
the end of the crankshaft (para 4-13 c). Install the
the terminal and the capacitor case, low resistance
blower housing (para 4-12 c).
should be indicated momentarily, followed by a
4-16. Magneto
h i g h resistance indication. Continued low
a. Testing. Check the operation of the magneto
resistance indicates a shorted capacitor.
as follows:
(5) Faulty operation of the magneto can be
(1) Disconnect the spark plug cable from the
caused by the loss of residual magnetism of the
spark plug and hold the end terminal about 1/16
permanent magnets of the flywheel. A rough check
to 1/8 inch away from the cylinder head while
of the magnetic force can be made by placing the
cranking the engine with the starting rope. Make
flywheel, open end up, on the work bench and
sure the engine is cranked fast enough to produce a
suspending a nonmagnetized steel screwdriver
good spark.
between the thumb and forefinger, point down.
(2) A hot spark should jump the gap between
Move the point to within one inch of the magnets
the terminal and the cylinder head. If a sharp,
cast in the flywheel. The magnets must be strong
snappy spark is observed, it indicates that the
enough to attract the screwdriver, pulling it against
magneto, capacitor, and breaker points are in good
the flywheel. If the magnetism is insufficient,
replace the flywheel.
b. Removal.
d. Installation.
(1) Remove the blower housing from the
(1) Installation is the reverse of removal.
engine (para 4-12 a) and remove the starter pulley
Refer to figure 4-3. Be sure that good contact is
and flywheel (para 4-13 a).
made at all electrical connections.
(2) Disconnect the spark plug cable (4, fig. 4-
(2) Install the flywheel and starter pulley
3) from the magneto coil (5). Disconnect the
primary lead from the magneto capacitor (8).
(3) Slide the magneto coil (5) from the
4-17. Breaker Points
magneto frame (11).
(4) Remove the screw (6) and remove the
a. Adjustment.
primary lead from the capacitor.
(1) Remove the two machine screws (1, fig. 4-
(5) Remove the screw (7) and remove the
4) and remove the breaker cover (2) and gasket (5).
capacitor (8) from the magneto frame.
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