![]() (2) If the indicated level is not within the
(1) Start the engine and operate it until it is
heated to operating temperature.
upper half of the safety range, add oil in accordance
(2) Place a container under the drain plug (3)
with the current lubrication order, pouring the oil
and remove the drain plug to allow the oil to drain
into the dipstick hole. Add oil only until the full
from the engine. Make sure all oil is drained from
level is indicated.
the oil pan. Remove the dipstick to relieve the
Caution: Add only enough oil to bring
vacuum and allow the engine to drain faster.
the oil level to the full mark. Do not overfill the
(3) Install the drain plug and add oil through
oil pan.
the dipstick hole until the oil level reaches the full
(3) Install the dipstick.
level on the dipstick. Consult the current
b. Every 24 operating hours, service the engine
lubrication order for the grade of oil required.
oil system as follows:
(4) Install the dipstick.
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