![]() gear (8), aline the tooth of the gear marked "RH" with
the timing mark on the rotor shaft gear (17). See figure
Figure 4-24. Timing marks on distributor gear and
rotor shaft.
the magneto.
Reassembly is the reverse of
disassembly. Refer to figure 4-23. Note the following:
(1) When installing the rotor bearing (35) in
the magneto frame, position the flat bearing washer in
the bore and position the bearing in the bore against the
washer. Install the expanding washer (34) with the
concave side toward the bearing. Press against the
Figure 4-25. Distributor gear properly alined with
washer to expand it into the groove in the magneto
rotor shaft gear.
frame, locking the bearing in place. Install the bearing
(30) in the rotor bearing plate (28) in a similar manner.
(7) Install the capacitor (4) and preformed
(2) Before installing the bearing plate (27),
packing (5) in the distributor housing. Tighten with a
make sure the flat contact spring on the coil in the
spanner wrench.
Before installing the distributor
magneto frame (38) extends outward from the coil at an
housing on the magneto frame, connect the pigtail from
angle of approximately 20 degrees from vertical. This is
the capacitor to the terminal on the breaker point
necessary to provide spring pressure to hold the
distributor gear against the bearing in the distributor
block. Make sure the contact spring is exactly alined
f. Installation. Timing the magneto to the engine
with the bushing in the bearing plate (27).
is a critical procedure. Install the magneto as follows:
(3) When installing the bearing plate (27),
secure the ground lead from the coil in the magneto
(1) Remove the rear spark plug from the
frame under one of the mounting screws (24) that
engine. Put a thumb over the spark plug hole and crank
secures the bearing plate to the frame.
the engine until No.
6 cylinder starts on the
(4) During reassembly, apply one drop of
compression stroke. This is indicated by air being
SAE 20 lubricating oil to the porous distributor gear
compressed against the thumb as the piston rises in the
bushings in the bearing plate (27) and in the distributor
housing (7).
(5) Install and adjust the breaker point
(2) Set the piston on top-dead-center by
assembly (14) as directed in subparagraph b above.
slowly cranking until the DC mark on the flywheel,
(6) This is a "right-hand" magneto-that is,
visible through the timing hole in the housing, is alined
rotation when viewing the impulse coupling end is
with the timing mark pointer. Hold the engine at this
(3) With the magneto still removed from the
engine and mounted in a vise thoroughly lined with soft
cloths, turn the drive lugs clockwise while holding the
high tension lead for No. 6 cylinder (fig. 4-22) close to
the magneto frame so that a spark will arc when the No.
6 lead is energized. When No. 6 lead arcs, the
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