![]() 1-Year Allowance Per 100 Equipments/Contingency Planning
Indicates opposite the first appearance of each item
the total quantity required for distribution and contingency
planning purposes, T h e r a n g e o f i t e m s i n d i c a t e s t o t a l q u a n t i t i e s
of all authorized items required to provide for adequate support
S u b s e q u e n t appearances of the same
of 100 equipments forone year.
i t e m w i l l h a v e t h e l e t t e r s "REF" in the allowance column.
Indicates the figure number of the
(1) F i q u r e n u m b e r .
illustration in which the item is shown.
Indicates the callout number used to
(2) I t e m n u m b e r .
reference the item in
the illustration.
Special Information
a . Repair parts mortality has been based on 800 hours operation
per year.
Parts which require manufacture or assembly at a category
higher than that authorized for installation will indicate in the
source column the higher category.
c . The same illustration. is used to illustrate the repair parts
listed in both organizational maintenance section and direct support
maintenance section.
How to Locate Repair Parts
a . When Federal stock number or reference number is unknown:
(1) First. Using the table of contents determine the assembly
group within the repair part belongs. This is necessary since
illustrations are prepared for assembly groups, and listings are
divided into the same groups.
Find the illustration
(2) Second.
to which the repair part belongs.
(3) Third.
Identify the repair part on the illustration and
note the illustration figure and item number of the repair part.
( 4 ) U s i n g t h e R e p a i r P a r t s L i s t i n g s , find the assembly group
to which the repair part belongs and locate the illustration figure
and item number noted on the illustration.
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