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(2)  The  quantitative  allowance  for  organizational  level  of
maintenance  represents  one  initial  prescribed  load  for  a  15-day
period for the number of equipments supported. Units authorized
additional  prescribed  loads, multiply the number of prcscribed
loads by the quantity in the appropriate density column to deter-
mine the number of repair parts authorized.
(3) TO d e t e r m i n e  a l l o w a n c e s w h e n s u p p o r t i n g m o r e t h a n 1 5 0
divide the number of equipments
of these equipments.
Second ,
supported by 100 by moving the decimal two spaces left.
multiply the result by the quantity in the 51-100 density column.
Example,  a u t h o r i z e d a l l o w a n c e f o r 5 1 - 1 0 0 e q u i p m e n t s i s 1 2 ; f o r
1 4 0  equipments, m u l t i p l y 1 2 b y 1 . 4 0 o r 1 6 . 8 0 r o u n d e d o f f t o 1 7
parts  required.
(4) Subsequent changes to allowances will be limited as
No change in the range of items is authorized,
additional items are considered necessary, recommendation should
be forwarded to the U. S. Army Mobility Equipment Command for ex-
Revisions to the range
ception or revision to the allowance list.
of i t e m s authorized will be made by the U.S. Army Mobility Equip-
m e n t Command based upon engineering experience, demand data, or
TAERS  information.
30-Day DS Maintenance Allowances.
(1) T h e a l l o w a n c e c o l u m n s a r e d i v i d e d  i n t o  t h r e e  s u b c o l u m n s .
Indicated in each subcolumn,  opposite the first appearance of each
item,  i s t h e t o t a l q u a n t i t y o f items authorized for the number of
Subsequent appearances of the same item
equipments  supported.
will have the letters "REF" in the applicable allowance column.
To locate the referenceed item locate the FSN or reference number
in the index. The earliest figure and item number is the referenced
Items authorized for use as required but not for initial
stockage are identified with an asterisk in the allowance column.
(2) The quantitative allowances for DS level of maintenance
will represent initial stockage for a 30-day period for the number
of  equipments  supported.
(3) T o d e t e r m i n e  a l l o w a n c e s w h e n s u p p o r t i n g m o r e t h a n 1 0 0
F i r s t ,  divide the number of equipments supported
of t h e s e e q u i p m e n t s .
by 100 by moving the decimal two places left.
multiply the
result by the quantity in the 51-100 density column.
authorized allowance for 51-100 equipments is 4O; for 150 equipments
multiply 40 by 1.50 or 60 parts required.

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