![]() k. Place the gasket (8) on the gear housing
are pressed into the eccentric housing (31), secure
flange. Position the gear housing cover with
them in place with the retaining ring (26). Press the
assembled parts over the gear housing so that the
seal (30 ) into the seal seat on the eccentric housing,
ends of the shafts engage their respective bearings.
taking care to prevent the shaft keyway from
Use a plastic mallet to drive the gear housing cover
cutting the inner lip,
into place.
l. Secure the gear housing cover to the gear
Note: Do not install the assembled input shaft and ec-
housing with cap screws (3 and 4), shoulder bolts
centric housing on the gear housing cover until the gear
(2 and 5), nuts (6), and lock washers (7). Install
housing cover is installed on the gear housing.
the shoulder bolts (2 and 5 ) first and tighten them
f. If the gearshaft (18) was removed from the
evenly and alternately until they are snug, making
internal gear (17 ), press the gear onto the shaft
sure the shafts and the internal gears rotate freely
until the hub on the inside of the gear is snug
without gear lash. Install the cap screws (3 and 4),
against the pinion teeth of the shaft.
lock washers (7), and nuts (6) and tighten them
g. Press the roller bearing, (21) and the sleeve
evenly and alternately. After all hardware is
bearing (20) in the gear housing (22) so that the
tightened, check again to assure that the shafts
shoulder of the sleeve bearing is seated tightly
rotate freely.
against the housing.
m. Position the assembled input shaft (29),
h. Press the ball bearing (15) onto the
eccentric housing (31 ), and gasket (25) on the gear
crankshaft (13 ); secure with a retaining ring (12).
housing cover. The thicker part of the eccentric
Press the assembled bearing and crankshaft into
housing marked TOP must be up when the pump
position in the bore of the gear housing. Use the
gear case is in the upright position. This will
retaining ring ( 14) to position the parts in the
provide proper engagement between the pinion of
the input shaft and the internal gear. Secure the
i. Install the key (11) in the keyway of the
eccentric housing with cap screws (23 ) and lock
crankshaft and press the spur gear (10 ) onto the
washers (24). Tighten the, cap screws evenly and
crankshaft Until it is seated against the shaft
alternately to prevent distorting the housing.
n. Position the expansion plugs (19 and 32) in
j. Position the gear housing on the bench with
their respective bores with the convex side outward.
the flange facing upward. Position the assembled
Strike the convex side sharply with a hammer to
internal gear (17 ) and gearshaft ( 18) in place on
expand each plug into place.
the gear housing. Install the washers ( 9 and 16) on
the ends of their respective shafts.
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