Section I. G E N E R A L
1-3. Equipment Serviceability Criteria
1-1. Scope
Not Applicable.
This technical manual covers the operation and
organizational main-
1-4. Reporting of Errors
t e n a n c e , and direct and general support main-
Report of errors, omissions, and recommendations
tenance for Pump, Reciprocating, Power-Driven,
for improving this publication by the individual
Diaphragm, Gas-Engine-Driven, Wheel Mounted,
user is encouraged. Reports should be submitted on
100 GPM, Federal Stock No. 4320-407-2582,
DA Form 2028, Recommended Changes to
G e r m a n - R u p p Model 4D-2A016, manufactured
Publications, and forwarded direct to Commanding
by German-Rupp Company, Mansfield, Ohio.
G e n e r a l , U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Com-
1-2. Forms and Records
mand, ATTN :
AMSME-MPP, 4300 Good-
fellow Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 63120.
Maintenance forms, records, and reports which are
to be used by maintenance personnel at all
maintenance levels are listed in and prescribed by
TM 38-750.
from the engine is transferred to the pump through
a flexible coupling. The engine and pump are
a. Reciprocating Pump Model 4D-2A016 (fig.
bolted to a two-wheeled steel trailer.
M i l i t a r y Standard gasoline engine. The torque
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