![]() e. Lubricate the engine with cold-weather lubricants
c. Depending upon pumping conditions, the pump may
not start pumping immediately, since it is necessary
as described in the engine manual, TM 5-2805-259-14
for the suction hose to fill with fluid. If, after a
f. After operating the pump, refer to figure 2-5, and
reasonable time, the pump fails to pump, check the
suction line carefully for leaks. A small air leak in
drain the body to prevent damage from freezing.
the suction line will greatly reduce pumping efficiency
under any conditions, and especially when the pump
is operating with a high suction lift.
a . Protect the pump from direct rays of the sun
d . This pump does not have self-priming charac-
when possible.
teristics. When the pump loses prime due to depletion
b. Allow adequate space for ventilation.
of the water source or excessive entrance of air into
the suction line, the pump will require repriming.
c . Set inlet temperature control and oil baffle con-
Refer to figure 2-6.
trol to proper position (par. 2-11).
d. Keep the exterior of the engine clean to provide
a . Keep the pump free of snow and ice at all times.
proper heat transfer to the air.
Cover it when not in use and provide some shelter
e. Lubricate the engine for hot weather as described
from weather while it is operating if possible.
in the engine manual, TM 5-2805-204-14.
b. Set inlet temperature control and oil baffle con-
trol to proper position (par. 2-11).
At high altitudes it may be necessary to adjust the
c . Heat the pump body before operating and prime
the pump with warm water.
engine carburetor and service the air filter more
frequently to insure proper air and fuel mixture.
d . Keep the fuel tank full to prevent condensation
Carburetor adjustments are provided in engine manual,
of moisture and service the fuel filter regularly.
TM 5-2805-259-14
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