a. Centrifugal Pump, Model 62-1/2E13-4A084 (fig.
These instructions are published for personnel re-
pump designed to pump fresh water at a rate of 200
sponsible for operation and maintenance of Gorman-
gpm (gallons per minute) at 300 ft tdh (feet total
Rupp Centrifugal Pump, Model 62-1/2E13-4A084. The
dynamic head). The pump and engine are skid mounted.
engine used with the pump is a Military Standard
The engine is a 20-hp (horsepower) Military Standard
type, FSN 2805-872-5972. Detailed operation and
type, Model 4A084-III. Refer to TM 5-2805-259-14
maintenance instructions for this engine are provided
for a description of the engine.
in Technical Manual TM 5-2805-259-14.
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