TM 5-4320-248-25P
dex is in ascending alphanumeric se-
quence cross-referenced to an index
a. Repair parts mortality has been based on
1000 hours of operation per year.
(2) Second. Using the repair part listing,
b. Parts which require manufacture or as-
find the index number referenced in
sembly at a category higher than that author-
the index of Federal stock numbers
ized for installation will indicate in the source
and reference numbers,
column the higher category.
c. The following publication pertains to the
pump and its components:
6. Abbreviations
GPM -----------------------------Gallons Per Minute
TM 5-4320-248-Operator, organizational,
hp --------------------------------horse power
direct support, gen-
in. ----------------------------inch, inches
lg -----------------------------long, length
eral support, and
depot maintenance
thd -------------------------------------thread
w/ ----------------------------------with
a. When Federal stock number or reference
number is unknown:
(1) First. Using the table of contents, de-
08484 ---- Breeze Corporation Inc.
08645 ---- Briggs and Stratton Corp.
termine the functional group within
25500 ---- Goodyear Aircraft Corp.
which the repair part belongs.
38508 - - - - Marsh Instrument Co., Division of
(2) Second. Find the illustration covering
Colorado Oil and Gas Corp.
the functional group to which the re-
81718 ---- OPW Division of Dover Corp.
pair part belongs,
88795 ---- Kenco Pump Division of American
Crucible Products Co.
(3) Third. Identify the repair part on the
90005 ---- Bendix Corp., The Filter Division
illustration, and note the illustration
98906 ---- Military Stantdards
figure and item number of the repair
(4) Fourth. Using the Repair Parts List-
Manual Improvements
ing, find the functional group to
which the repair part belongs and lo-
Report of errors, omissions, and recommen-
cate the illustration figure and item
dations for improving this publication by the
number noted on the illustration.
individual user is encouraged. Reports should
b. When Federal stock number or reference
be submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended
number is `known:
Changes to DA Publications) and forwarded di-
(1) First. Using the index of Federal
rect to the Commanding General, U. S. Army
stock numbers and reference num-
bers, find the pertinent Federal Stock
AMSME-MPP, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St.
number or reference number, This in-
Louis, Mo. 63120,
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