Section I. GENERAL
This manual has been prepared for the use of
the operator to whom the fuel transfer unit, portable,
100 GPM, Model 114MX1A is issued. It contains infor-
mation on the operation and maintenance of the unit,
together with the description of the major components
and their functions.
Suggestions for improvement in design,
maintenance, safety, and efficiency of operation should
be reported through channels to the U. S. Army Mobility
Equipment Command, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd. , St. Louis, Mo.
The Model 114MX1A is a self contained unit,
designed to transfer fuel primarily from (500 gallon)
collapsible fuel tanks to fuel tanks of aircraft or land
vehicles. (See Figures 1 through 6.)
An identification plate containing
the pump serial number and other pertinent data is affixed
to the casing of the pump, just forward from the engine
exhaust. The serial number of the engine is located ad-
jacent to the lubrication decal on the engine cylinder
baffle. The engine Model Number is also located in the
same area.
The Model 114MX1A refueling system
consists of nine major assemblies: A self-priming cen-
trifugal pump, a 3 H.P. gasoline engine, a 100 gallon
per minute Go-No-Go gage monitor, a suction hose assem-
bly, two 50 foot discharge hose assemblies, and two non-
automatic nozzles. The complete package weighs approx-
imately 195 pounds. (See Figures 2 and 3.)
The system has a maximum rated pumping
capacity of 100 gallons of gasoline per minute. All gas-
kets and seals are satisfactory for use with petroleum
products. It should not be used for pumping solvents,
acids or alkalies.
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