![]() (4) Close test stand battery switch and operate
(6) Adjust opening discharge current to
generator at 2,500 to 3,000 rpm. Adjust load rheostat or
specified figure by raising or lowering stationary contacts.
lamp bank so ammeter reads one half current regulator
Open test stand battery switch to prevent shorting. Bend
operating amperage.
stationary contact brackets to increase or decrease
contact gap. Increasing contact gap increases opening
Operate at this current for 30 minutes to bring regulator
discharge amperes. Keep contacts aligned for full face
up to operating temperature.
contact and adjust both sets of contacts so they operate
simultaneously. Do not adjust gap between contacts
(5) Place thermometer near regulator to
when open to less than 0.025 inch.
ascertain temperature of 70 . Adjust current to one-half
current regulator setting and read voltmeter and
(7) Open test-stand battery switch.
thermometer. This voltage must be within the limits
specified for voltage regulator for temperature specified.
If voltage is not within limits, stop generator, open tests
i . Voltage and Current Regulator Adjustment.
and battery switch, and remove regulator cover. Turn
adjusting nut on lower end of voltage regulator armature
(1) Remove variable resistance from field
spring until voltmeter reading is within limits. Check this
circuit. Change voltmeter connections so that it is
setting by stopping generator, then operate generator at
connected to regulator base and "Bat" terminal. Connect
2,500 to 3,000 rpm at one-half maximum current. Read
variable load across battery. This load may consist of a
voltmeter and readjust and recheck voltage regulator if
carbon pile or lamp bank.
not within operating limits.
(2) On units that have been completely
(7) Adjust load rheostat or lamp bank so
overhauled, close test stand battery switch and operate
voltmeter reading drops 0.5 to 0.7 volts and read
generator at 2,500 to 3,000 rpm. Hold voltage regulator
ammeter. This reading must be within, limits specified for
contact closed by pressing lightly on back of voltage
current regulator. If current is not within limits, stop
regulator armature and read ammeter. If this is within two
generator and remove regulator cover. Start generator
amperes of correct setting, do not adjust. If current
and adjust current setting by turning thumb nut on lower
setting is not within two amperes, turn adjusting nut on
end of armature spring.
lower end of armature spring. Release voltage regulator
(8) Stop generator and open battery switch.
armature. Stop generator, then start and bring speed up
Install regulator cover.
to 2,500 to 3,000 rpm. Adjust current to one half the
value stamped on regulator nameplate by changing load
(9) Close test stand battery and operate
rheostat or lamp bank. Read voltmeter. If this reading is
generator at one-half current regulator setting for 5
within 0.8 volts units of correct operating voltage, do not
minutes, then check voltage and current settings. Make
adjust. If voltage is not within these approximate settings,
any readjustments that are necessary and finish with a
turn adjusting nut on lower end of armature spring. Stop
final 5) minute run and check.
generator and open
test-stand battery switch.
(3) Install cover gasket and cover regulator.
7-17. General
is cranked electrically. An intermediate duty clutch
The starting motor is a heavy-duty, 24-volt, 4pole, 4-
absorbs high engine torque to prevent damage to the
brush, series wound dc motor located at the lower right
starting motor and the flywheel ring gear during the
side of the engine. When energized by the starting motor
starting period.
solenoid, the pinion gear of the motor drive engages the
7-18. Removal and Installation
flywheel ring gear on the engine, and the engine
Remove and install starting motor as directed in
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