![]() terminals. (Series winding and voltage regulator yoke if
improper assembly, and inspect armature stop for
terminals are not on sub-base.) If lamp does not light, it
distortion or incorrect adjustment.
indicates a faulty resistor, frequency winding or faulty
contacts on either current or voltage regulator units. If
(2) Current- regulator unit. The same limits
lamp lights, open current regulator contacts. Release
and procedures as described for voltage- regulator
current regulator contacts and open voltage regulator
applies to current regulator unit.
contacts. If lamp does not go out in each case, replace
armature affected.
g. Measure Contact Point Gap on Circuit Breaker
d. Inspect contacts on all three units. In normal use,
Unit. Measure gap between both sets of contacts. Do not
contacts will become grayed. If contacts are burned, dirty
set this gap less than 0.025 inch, but it may be set larger
or rough, file with contact point dresser parallel and length
than this after adjusting contact opening amperage. Bend
wise to armature. File just enough so contacts pre- sent
stationary contact brackets to adjust gap, and align
smooth surfaces towards each other. It is not necessary
contacts so contact is made and broken on both sets of
to remove every trace of burning. After filing, dampen a
piece of linen tape in carbon tetrachloride and draw
between contacts. Repeat with a dry tape. Use clean
h. Circuit Breaker Adjustment.
tape for each set of contacts.
(1) Mount regulator on test stand in same
e. Adjust Armature Air Gap.
position as it is mounted on vehicle, or if this is unknown,
mount with base vertical and terminal hanging down. Use
(1) Circuit breaker unit. Use pin gage of
generator of type specified for regulator and mount on
correct limits and insert between armature and core on
test stand. Connect battery of correct voltage and
contact side and next to brass pin in core. Adjust gap by
bending armature stop. Be sure stop does not interfere
with armature movement.
(2) Connect test stand battery ground lead to
generator frame and connect other battery lead to
(2) Voltage-regulator unit. Connect battery and
regulator terminal marked "Bat". Connect generator
lamp in series with "Arm" and "Field" terminals to indicate
"Arm" terminal to regulator "Arm" terminal and connect
when contacts are opened and closed. Insert pin gage of
variable resistance in series with generator "Field" and
correct dimension between armature and core on contact
regulator "Field" terminals. Run a ground lead from
side and next to brass pin in core. Hold armature down
generator frame to regulator ground frame. Connect
with two fingers so contact spring is not touched. Adjust
voltmeter from regulator ground frame to regulator "Arm"
gap so lamp will burn brightly when high limit gage is in
place, and will go out or dim when low limit gage is in
(3) Polarize the generator to prevent burning
place. Adjust gap by slightly loosening screw holding
regulator contacts; remove generator field lead from
armature stop and raising or lowering stop. Tighten
variable resistance, close test stand battery switch and
screws and check gap.
momentarily touch field lead to regulator "Bat" terminal,
then connect field lead to variable resistance as above.
(3) Current-regulator unit. Check and ad- just
(4) Insert all the resistance in field circuit. Start
as described above for voltage-regulator, using correct
generator and operate at 1,000 to 2,000 rpm. Decrease
field resistance slowly, and noting voltmeter reading just
before change caused by closing of the circuit breaker.
f. Check Gap Between Contact Spring and Stop.
Decrease resistance until ammeter shows a charge of one
half current value stamped on regulator name- plate,,
then increase resistance slowly.
Note amperage
(1) Voltage-regulator unit. Hold armature down
discharge just before contacts open and ammeter reading
against core stop with feeler gage measure gap between
drops to zero.
contact spring and armature stop. If gap is not between
0.010 and 0.016 inch inspect bumper block for damage or
(5) Adjust closing voltage to specified figure by
turning thumb nut on lower end of armature spring.
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