switch, and fully charged, 24-volt battery in series with
7-4, following the sequence indicated by the key numbers.
each other and connect the group between the field and
Reassembly in reverse sequence.
armature terminals of the generator. Close the battery
switch and adjust the field rheostat for a reading of 28.5
7-10. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair
volts on the volt meter. The ammeter should indicate
a. Clean all metal parts in an approved cleaning
between 1.07 and 1.27 amperes. If the current does not
solvent and blow dry with compressed air.
fall within this range, inspect the generator field frame for
defective terminals, terminal insulation, internal
connections, or field windings.
dampened in an approved cleaning solvent and wipe dry.
(2) Motoring test. Connect a jumper from the
field terminal to the generator field frame. Connect a
c. Blow all dust and dirt from the armature.
fully-charged, 24-volt battery and a battery switch in
series with each other and connect the group between the
armature terminal and the generator field frame of the
d. Inspect the field frame, commutator end frame,
generator. Close the battery switch. The generator
and drive end frame for cracks and breaks.
armature should revolve in a clockwise direction as
viewed from the drive end. If the armature does not turn
e. Inspect the armature for separated commutator
freely in the correct direction, inspect the generator for
bars and burning.
incorrect assembly, defective bearings, poor brush
contact, or a defective armature.
(3) Output test. Mount the generator on a test
bench and couple it to a drive motor. Connect a field
g. Turn a burned or scored commutator on a lathe
rheostat between the field terminal and the generator field
until the surface is clean and on cneter, and undercut the
frame. Connect the negative terminal of a fully-charged
battery to the generator and connect the positive terminal
to one terminal of a reverse current relay. Connect the
h. Replace all defective parts in the generator.
other terminal of the relay to the armature terminal of the
generator. Connect a carbon pile rheostat across the
Momentarily connect a jumper across the
7-1 1. Testing
terminals of the reverse current relay to polarize the
a. Brush Holder Testing.
generator. Start the drive motor and adjust its speed to
1,900 rpm. Adjust the field rheostat for a reading of 28.5
volts on the voltmeter and adjust the carbon pile rheostat
(1) Using a circuit test lamp, test between the
until the ammeter shows a load of 18 amperes. Adjust
insulated brush holder and the commutator end frame. If
the field rheostat as necessary to maintain the voltage.
the lamp lights on this test, the brush holder is grounded
Operate the generator for 15 minutes to attain operating
and the commutator end frame must be replaced.
temperature. Adjust the voltage and amperage to the
(2) Test between the grounded brush holder
above mentioned values. If the rated voltage and
and the commutator end frame. If the lamp fails to light
amperage cannot be maintained, disassemble and
on this test, the brush holder is not grounded and the
overhaul the generator.
commutator end frame must be replaced.
c. Armature and field wiring testing.
Test the
armature and field windings of the generator as described
in TM 5-764.
(1) Field current draw. Connect a dc voltmeter
between the field terminal and armature terminal of the
generator. Connect an ammeter, field rheostat, battery
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