![]() 2-7. Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas
(2) Keep rain from entering the system when
lubricating the unit.
a. General. Keep the pump assembly covered
when not in use. Take advantage of natural barriers
(3) Keep the crankcase oil fill, breather cap,
where possible or erect a shelter.
and the level gage, tight at all time.
b. Lubrication.
c. Fuel System.
(1) Refer to, LO 5-2805-259-14 for Engine
(1) Keep the fuel tank full at all times to
Lubricate trailer in accordance with
prevent condensation.
lubrication chart (fig. 3-1).
(2) Keep the fuel tank cap tight at all times.
(2) Clean all lubrication points before
d. Electrical System.
applying lubricants. Wipe spilled lubricants from the
(1) Check electrical leads for cracked or
unit to avoid collecting dust and sand, clean the area
frayed insulation.
around the oil fill cap and level gage before checking or
(2) Check all gages for loose or broken
adding lubricants.
lenses which might permit entry of moisture. Use trans
(3) Clean the cooling fins so they are free of
parent tape to prevent entry of foreign matter.
any spilled lubricants to prevent collection of dirt.
(4) Make sure the crankcase oil fill and
2-9. Operation in Salt-Water Areas
breather cap is always clean.
a. General. Salt water causes corrosive action on
c. Fuel Systems.
metal. Wash the unit frequently with fresh, clean water.
(1) Use care when adding fuel to prevent
b. Lubrication.
sand and dirt from entering the fuel system. Keep the
(1) Steam clean the entire unit, if such
fuel tank cap tight at all times.
equipment is available, before lubricating.
(2) Store fuel in clean containers and protect
(2) Clean and dry all fittings before
them from dust and sand.
(3) Service the air cleaner and fuel filter daily
(3) Refer to LO 5-2805-259-14 for engine
(refer to engine manual, TM 5-2805-259-14).
Lubricate trailer in accordance with
(4) To prevent improper operation the system
lubrication chart (fig. 3-1).
must be kept clean.
c. Fuel System.
d. Electrical System.
(1) Keep the fuel tank cap tight at all times.
(1) Wipe wiring and magneto with a clean,
(2) Service the fuel strainer daily (para 4-20).
dry cloth.
(3) Store the fuel in clean containers.
(2) Check all gages for loose or broken
d. Electrical System.
lenses which might permit entry of dust and sand. Use
(1) Clean and dry all electrical connections
transparent tape to prevent entry of foreign matter.
and check for corrosion.
e. Engine Cooling Fins and Air Shrouds.
(2) Check all gages for loose or broken
The engine assembly must be kept clean at all times to
lenses which might permit entry of moisture. Use
prevent overheating during operation.
transparent tape to prevent entry of foreign matter.
e. Painting.
Paint all exposed, non-polished
2-8. Operation Under Rainy or Humid Conditions
surfaces (refer to TM 9-213). Coat all exposed polished
a. General. When the pump assembly is operated
surfaces with standard issue, rust-proofing material, or
outdoors, erect a suitable shelter. Keep the toolbox lid
cover with a light coat of grease.
closed. During dry periods, remove the canvas cover to
2-10. Operation at High Altitudes
allow the unit to dry out.
The pump assembly will operate normally at elevations
b. Lubrication.
up to 5,000 feet above sea level. However, the
(1) Refer to LO 5-2085-259-14 for engine
percentage of efficiency decreases approximately 3% at
Lubricate trailer in accordance with
1,000 feet, 7% at 2,000 feet. 12% at 3,000 feet, 15% at
lubrication chart (fig. 3-1).
4,000 feet and 18% at 5,000 feet.
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