![]() f. Repair.
If the magneto has been found
c. Removal
Refer to figure 8-22 and remove
defective refer to figure 3-26 and repair the magneto by
starting motor.
installing the magneto repair kit.
g. Timing and Installation. Refer to figure 3-25
d. Cleaning.
and install the magneto observing the following special.
(1) Clean the outside of the starting motor
with a cloth dampened with cleaning solvent; wipe dry.
(1) As a preliminary to magneto timing the
Take care that solvent does not enter the starting motor
breaker points must be set for a . 01d inch gap.
or contact the electrical parts.
Magneto & may be held in place by four capscrews, and
connected to the drive shaft through an adjustable
(2) Inspect the assembled starting motor for
coupling with impulse device for easy starting. To time
cracks, breaks, broken or worn gear teeth. Refer to
the magneto, crank the engine until No. 1 cylinder is
moving upward on the compression stroke. As the
brush holders (12), and springs (13). Make sure that
piston approaches the top of the cylinder, here will come
they are clean and operating freely. Inspect lead (6)
into view on the flywheel, a mark "Mag" or "Fire". When
and make sure it is well insulated.
this is directly under the fixed pointer attached to the
engine, the engine has reached the point at whit. . the
f. Repair-. If the starting motor has been found
spark should occur. With the engine in this position,
defective and can be corrected with at repair kit refer to
release the screws holding the adjustable part of the
coupling so that the magneto is positively disconnected
from the drive shaft. Then remove the interrupter cap
g. Installation Refer to figure 3-22 and install the
and distributor plate from the magneto, and turn the
starting motor.
magneto shaft until the distributor brush is in line with
the distributor segment marked by the figure "1" on the
3-46. Magneto
face of the distributor plate. Continue to turn the
a. General.
The magneto is of the rotating
magneto until the impulse snaps, then turn it backwards
magnet, high-tension type designed to provide radio
until It points open and close, then bring It forward until
shielded ignition. It has an impulse coupling which
the breaker points are just beginning to separate; this is
assists starting by automatically retarding the ignition
the firing position for cylinder number '1. This is the
spark during the starting operation.
position at which the magneto should be coupled to the
engine. Replace the distributor block and cap over the
b. inspection Check magneto for tight connections
breaker box.
and well insulated wiring. Inspect mounting and ground
3-47. Spark Plugs and lgnition Leads
a. Spark Plug Service and Replacement.
c. Adjustment.
Refer to figure 3-24 and adjust
magneto points.
(1) Ioosen the nuts that secure the shielded
ignition leads to the spark plugs; disconnect the leads.
d. Removal. Refer to figure 3-25 and remove the
(2) Clean around each spark plug with a
clean cloth and compressed air. Remove the spark
plugs with a deep-well socket wrench or a spark plug
e. Cleaning and Inspection.
(3) Clean the plugs with a spark plug sand
(1) Clean the outside of the magneto with a
blaster. Set the plug gap at 0. 025 inch.
cloth dampened with cleaning solvent; wipe dry. 'rake
(4) Inspect the spark plugs for cracked or
care that solvent does not enter the magneto or contact
eroded porcelain, burned electrodes, damaged threads,
the electrical parts.
or other defects. Test the spark plugs on a spark plug
tester. Replace defective spark plugs.
(2) Inspect the magneto for cracks, breaks,
(5) Install spark plugs in the cylinder head.
worn or broken gear teeth, or other damage. Remove
and inspect the distributor head for carbon runners,
(6) Connect ignition leads
damage, or evidence of failure.
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