![]() piping has a large enough diameter to prevent
excessive exhaust back pressure in the engine.
drain the pump; replace the plug.
2-6. Dismantling for Movement
(2) Drain the radiator and coolant lines (7 & 9, fig.
a. Short Distance Move.
(1) Disconnect the suction and discharge hoses or
piping from the pump. Remove the pump drain plug
(3) Thoroughly clean exterior of pump.
(16, fig. 1-2) to drain the pump; replace the plug.
(4) Make sure that the fuel tank cap, radiator cap,
Perform the daily preventive maintenance
oil drain plug, coolant drain plugs, and all pump plugs
services (para 3-6).
are securely tightened.
(3) Close the engine and instrument panels.
Disconnect battery cables.
Tape cable
terminals and lay cables in the battery box to prevent
(4) Make sure all on-equipment tools are present,
shorting and electrical contact.
clean, and properly stowed.
(6) Secure the engine and instrument panels.
(5) Connect a cable or chain from the towing
vehicle to the round bar at the front of the skid base; tow
2-7. Reinstallation After Movement
the pump to the new location.
For reinstallation instructions, refer to paragraph 2-5.
b. Long Distance Move.
(1) Disconnect the suction and discharge lines from
the pump. Remove the pump drain plug (16, fig. 1-2) to
normal operating temperature, the needle should
2-8. General
indicate between 150and 185 F.
This section describes, locates, illustrates, and furnishes
(2) The gage incorporates a temperature safety
operator, crew, or organization maintenance personnel
switch designed to shut the engine down if the
sufficient information about various controls and
temperature of the coolant exceeds 190 The switch will
instruments for proper operation of the centrifugal pump.
permit starting of the engine when the temperature of
2-9. Controls and Instruments
the coolant drops to a safe level.
The purpose of controls and instruments and their
normal and maximum readings are illustrated in figure
rate of charge or discharge of the batteries. The pointer
on the ammeter deflects to the right to indicate charge
and to the left to indicate discharge. After starting the
hourmeter (7, fig. 2-4) indicates the engine speed in
ammeter will indicate a high rate of charge until the
rpm, and the total number of engine hours. Normal
batteries are restored to full charge. After the unit has
engine operating speed is 2,250 rpm. The tachometer is
been inoperative for an extended period of time, the
geared to register one hour when the engine has turned
high charging time will be considerably longer after
over, 135,000 rpm (2,250 rpm X 60 minutes). By
starting. During normal operation, the ammeter should
keeping track of the hourmeter readings, it is easy to
indicate a slight charge rate.
determine the correct service and lubrication intervals.
d. Engine Oil Pressure Gage and Safety Switch.
b. Engine Water Temperature Gage and Safety
(1) The engine oil pressure gage and
(1) The engine water temperature gage and safety
switch '(6, fig. 2-4) indicates the temperature of the
cooling fluid in the engine. When the engine is at its
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