![]() TM
6. Abbreviations
5. Instructions for Locating Repair Parts
ea ._-. ___-_________ --__each
a. When Federal stock number or manufac-
ft ___-. -___ -_-_ -_-______ -foot (feet)
turer's part number is unknown.
in. _---_ -_______ ------_ --.inch(es)
lg __._________ -.___ -_.-_ -long (length)
(1) First. Using the index of contents,
mtg ____ ---_______ --__ -__mount(ed)
determine the functional group or sub-
No. _____________________ number(s)
NPT -------------------- National Taper pipe
group, i.e., engine, engine assembly,
transmission, transmission assembly,
within which the repair part belongs.
7. Index of Federal Supply Codes
Locate the appropriate page in the
manual and identify the part.
04147...-----Erickson Products Co.
05748 .-..-__ -Barnes Mfg Co.
(2) Second. Locate the repair part and the
60038 ----__ Timken Roller Bearing Co.
illustration figure and item number
66289 ---___ Wisconsin Motor Corp.
as shown in the last two columns of
78480_-_ -__ Tillotson Mfg Co.
the repair parts listing.
79960 _.--_ Bendix Corp,, The Zenith Carburetor Div
80749 -__--_ United Specialties Co.
(3) !l'bird. Identify the repair part on
81337 ___---Army Natick Laboratories, Mechanical
the illustration.
Engineering Div.
82796 ___-__ Fairbanks Morse and Co., Beloit Works
b. When Federal stock number or manu-
facturer's part number is known.
96906______ Military Standard
(1) First. Use the index to locate the
8. Reporting of Equipment Publication
Federal stock number or manufac-
turer's part number. This index is ar-
Da Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to
ranged in alphameric sequence cross-
DA Publications) will be used for reporting
-referenced to page number and manu-
discrepancies and recommendations for im-
facturer's code.
proving this equipment publication. This form
(2) Second. Refer to the appropriate page
will be completed by the individual using the
manual and forwarded direct to Commanding
in the parts listing. Locate the repair
General, U. S. Army Mobility Equipment Com-
part and the illustration figure and
mand, ATTN: AMSME-MPD, 4300 Goodfellow
item number as shown in the last two
Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 63120.
columns of the parts listing.
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