TM 5-4320-237-15
1. Fire Protection
Hand Portable Fire Extinguisher, Approved for Army Users
TB 5-4200-200-
Repair and Utilities; Fire Protection Equipment and Appliances; Inspec-
TM 5-687
tion, Operations, and Preventive Maintenance.
2. lubrication
Pumping Assembly, Flammable Liquid, Bulk Transfer, Centrifugal, 50
LO 5-4320-237-
GPM, 100 ft. Head: Gasoline Engine Driven, 2 in. Frame Mounted.
Barnes Mfg. Co. Model 28002 w/Wisconsin Engine, Model-MBKND
Specification 279315.
3. Painting
Painting Instructions for Field Use.
TM 9-213
4. Preventive Maintenance
Army Equipment Record Procedures.
TM 38-750
5. Radio Interference Suppression
Radio Interference Suppression.
TM 11-483
6. Shipment and limited Storage
Limited Storage of Engineers Mechanical Equipment.
AR 743-505
Preservation Packaging, and Packing of Military Supplies and Equipment.
TM 38-230
7. Supply Publications
Fuels, Lubricants, Oils, and Waxes.
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