![]() TM 5-4320-237-15
Section I.
ened with an approved cleaning sol-
89. General
vent; dry thoroughly. Clean all re-
a. The magneto consists primarily of a
maining metallic parts by immersing
coil, rotor, capacitor, and a contact point set
in an approved cleaning solvent; dry
which are contained in a cast housing. The
rotor is driven by a gear on the camshaft. This
(3) Check the rotor for continuity be-
arrangement provides one revolution of the
coil lead and the coil clip
magneto for every two revolutions of the
connection, using a multimeter set to
crankshaft. The magneto rotor contains per-
read ohms. Continuity must exist.
manent magnets which, when rotated near the
Check for damaged insulation, brok-
coil. set up an electrical charge in the coil to
en leads or windings, or other dam-
charge the capacitor. When the contact points
open by cam action, the discharge of the ca-
(4) Check the rotor for cracks, damaged
pacitor through the coil creates a high tension
threads, worn keyways, and other
spark which is directed to the spark plug and
which ignites the fuel-air mixture in the cyl-
strength of the rotor with a screw-
inder. The magneto is timed to provide the
driver. It must exert a strong mag-
spark as the piston is near top-dead-center of
netic pull.
the compression stroke.
(5) Inspect the bearing for visible dam-
b. The magneto is provided with an im-
age, signs of overheating, rough or
pulse coupling which retards the rotation of
binding operation, and other dam-
the rotor at starting speeds, causing the rotor
to snap over at the required time. This snap-
(6) Inspect the housing and end cap for
ping action helps to induce a hotter spark than
cracks, distortion, worn or damaged
could be obtained by rotating the rotor at slow
starting speeds.
threads, and other damage.
(7) Inspect the coupling spring and
90. Magneto
pawl spring for cracks, distortion,
loss of resilience, and other damage.
a. Removal and Disassembly.
(8) Inspect all other parts for cracks,
(1) Remove the magneto (para 55).
worn or damaged threads, distor-
(2 Disassemble the magneto in the nu-
tion, and other visible damage; re-
merical sequence as illustrated in fig-
place all damaged parts.
ure 39.
c. Reassembly and Installation.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Reassemble the magneto in the re-
(1) Discard and replace the point con-
verse of the numerical sequence as
tact set.
illustrated on figure 39.
(2) Clean the rotor, coil, housing, bear-
(2) Install the magneto (para 55).
ing, and end cap with a cloth damp-
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