![]() TM 5-4320-237-15
b. Make sure all shrouding is properly in-
stalled on the engine. Loose or missing
Salt water corrodes metal. If unpainted sur-
shrouding will retard cooling.
faces of the equipment are exposed to salt wa-
c. Provide shade for the pumping assembly
ter, flush the area with fresh water and dry
whenever possible. Direct rays of the sun will
thoroughly. Apply a light coat of oil to un-
greatly increase the heating problem.
painted surfaces.
d. Take care to decrease engine speed when
full throttle operation is not required.
e. If vapor lock occurs, allow the engine to
The efficiency of both the engine and pump
cool and then restart.
decrease as altitude increases For example,
engine efficiency decreases 3.5 percent for
each 1000-feet altitude increase. At the same
a. Take advantage of natural barriers to
time, pumping efficiency drops because of the
protect the pumping assembly from blowing
decreased ambient pressure. Take care to keep
sand or dust. If necessary, erect artificial bar-
suction lifts at a minimum in high altitude op-
b. Service the air cleaner more frequently
c. Clean the pumping assembly with a
a. Description. The dry chemical type fire
cloth dampened with an approved cleaning
extinguisher is suitable for use on all types of
solvent. Keep the screen in the engine shroud
fire' and is effective in areas where ambient
clean to assure proper air flow over the en-
temperature is -25F and above. If winter-
gine. When the unit is idle, take care to pre-
ized (pressurized with nitrogen ), the fire ex-
vent the entry of sand and dirt in the shroud-
tinguisher may be used in temperatures below
25F. The fire extinguisher is a 2 1/2
pound, stored pressure, lever-operated extin-
b. Operation. Remove the fire extinguish-
a. When the unit is outside and not operat-
er from its location, lift the handle, press lev-
ing, protect it with a tarpaulin or other water-
er, and direct the powder at the base of the
proof cover. Remove the cover during dry
flame using a side-to-side sweeping motion.
periods to allow the unit to dry.
c. Maintenance. Weight the fire extin-
b. Fill the fuel tank at the end of each op-
guisher every 6 months and replace the ex-
erating period to prevent the condensation of
tinguisher if weight is less than 4 1/2 pounds,
moisture in the tank.
or if pressure is below 125 pounds. Refer to
c. Closely watch the fuel strainer bowl for
SB 5-111. The dry chemical fire extinguish-
ers will be serviced at installation level
evidences of water. If water is evident, clean
the fuel strainer (para 33).
through repair and utilities facilities, with the
filling agent supplied by local procurement
d. Clean and paint all surfaces not otherwise
through troop supply channels.
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