![]() TM 5-4320-237-15
ground cable to a low-resistance ground con-
of the engine to conduct the exhaust fumes
If exhaust piping is extremely
long, increase piping size to 1 1/2 inches NPT
Warning: Do not operate the centrifugal
after the nipple which enters the exhaust port
pump in an enclosed area unless exhaust gases
of the engine. Be sure to provide adequate
are piped to the outside. Inhalation of exhaust
ventilation for proper engine cooling and to
fumes will result in serious illness or death.
support engine combustion. Connect the
Figure 4. Pump istallation and setup.
After movement, install the pumping as-
a. Reverse the installation procedures il-
lustrated in figure 4. Thoroughly drain all
sembly as directed in paragraph 9.
hoses Install dust plugs and caps on hoses
Warning: Do not smoke while opening the
and fittings
carrying box to reinstall the pumping assem-
b. Remove drain plug from the bottom of
bly. Explosive vapors from fluids remaining
the pump to drain fluid from pump body. Re-
install the plug.
in the hoses and pump body may be present in
c. Pack the equipment into the carrying box
the enclosed box. Smoking or other source of
as shown in figure 2.
ignition could cause explosion of these vapors.
d. Close the top covers of the carrying box
No smoking or open fire are allowed within
and lift the box onto a carrier for transfer to
50 feet of the equipment.
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