![]() 3-11. Maintenance of Fuel System
(3) Remove the wing nut (5) with its assembled
washer gasket (6) and remove the element (7) from the
a. Lines and Fittings. Normal operation of the
air cleaner body (8).
pump and engine requires no lines and fittings
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
maintenance other than tightening loose connections.
b. Tank.
Do not use gasoline or other solvents for
cleaning the air cleaner element.
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated area.
Avoid inhalation of solvent fumes and
prolonged exposure of skin to cleaning
Mechanical drying methods can be used to
solvent. Wash exposed skin thoroughly.
dry a washed element providing that the
Dry cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-680)
heated air does not exceed a temperature of
used to clean parts is potentially dangerous
180 F with the air under constant
to personnel and property. Do not use near
circulation. Do not attempt to use light
open flame or excessive heat. Flash point of
bulbs to dry element.
solvent is 100 to 138 F (38 to 59 'C).
(1) To clean the air cleaner element, use a 1/8-
inch air nozzle with 100 psi maximum compressed air,
(1) If the fuel inlet strainer becomes clogged,
blowing from the inside toward the outside until all dust
remove the filler cap and pull the strainer out of the filler
is removed.
neck. Clean it with a soft brush and dry cleaning solvent
(2) An alternate method of cleaning the element
(fed. spec. P-D-680). Allow strainer to dry thoroughly
is to wash it with a non-sudsing detergent in a container
before installing it in the fuel tank.
large enough to immerse the element. Allow it to soak
(2) If the fuel becomes contaminated with dirt or
for 10 minutes minimum and agitate it for 2 minutes to
water, drain the tank as follows:
dislodge all dirt. Rinse with clean water, using a
(a) Open the filler cap.
pressure hose from a tap with pressure of less than 40
(b) Place a container of suitable size under
psi. Air dry thoroughly before reinstallation.
the drain plug on the bottom rear of the tank. Remove
(3) Insert a light bulb in the cleaned element and
the plug and drain the contaminated fuel. Flush the tank
carefully check for holes, cracks, or ruptures. Any hole
with a small amount of clean fuel.
in the element will necessitate element replacement. A
(c) Replace the plug, refill the tank with
hole, no matter how small, will cause unnecessary
fresh fuel, and replace the filler cap. Dispose of the
engine wear.
contaminated fuel.
c. Installation.
c. Fuel Strainer Service. If moisture or other
(1) Install the element (7, fig. 3-5) in the air
contaminants are visible through the glass bowl of the
cleaner body (8). Check that the washer gasket (6) on
fuel strainer, service the fuel strainer as follows:
the wing nut (5) is in good condition; secure the element
(1) Close the shutoff valve (6, fig. 3-6) on the
to the body with the wing nut.
fuel strainer.
(2) Install the flexible baffle (4) in the cleaned
dust cup (3), and install the parts on the body. Secure
by tightening the wing screw on the clamp assembly (2).
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