![]() d. Change oil and service the oil filter as described
3-2. Detailed Lubrication Information
3-3. Engine Lubrication
in a clean, dry place away from external heat. Allow no
a. Engine crankcase lubrication consists primarily
dust, dirt, or other foreign material to mix with the
lubricants. Keep all lubrication equipment clean and
of changing the oil in the crankcase and servicing the oil
ready to use.
filter. Change oil every 50 operating hours and change
b. All external parts that do not require lubrication
the oil filter every 150 operating hours. Proceed as
must be kept free of lubricants. Before lubricating the
equipment, wipe dirt and grease from all lubrication
(1) Run the engine long enough to warm it to
points. To prevent accumulation of dirt, clean all
operating temperature. This is important since warm oil
lubrication points after you lubricate them.
will drain from the internal engine parts much more
c. You must take the following precautions when
rapidly than cold oil. The warm oil will carry more dirt
using a sub-zero engine oil:
and sludge with it as it drains.
(1) The crankcase oil level must be checked
(2) Place suitable containers under the engine
frequently, as oil consumption may increase.
drain ports and remove the oil pan drain plug (4, fig. 3-
(2) The oil may require changing more
2) and oil cooler drain plug (1). Allow the oil to drain
frequently than usual because contamination by fuel
dilution and sludge formation will increase under cold
weather operation conditions.
1. Oil cooler drain plug
4. Oil pan drain plug
2. Radiator coolant drain plug
5. Battery charging receptacle
3. Block coolant drain plug
Figure 3-2. Left side of engine housing showing drains and battery charging receptacle.
(3) Install plugs in the drain ports.
which will be encountered. Required grades of engine
(4) Remove the filler cap (11, fig. 3-3) from the
oils are as follows:
engine oil filler pipe and pour 4/2 quarts of engine oil
Below OF
0 to 32F
32 to 75F
Above 75F
into the engine. Use the engine oil required for the
particular temperature range
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