![]() TM 10-4200-200-13
Rinse cans in clean boiling water, turn upside down,
3-8. Repair Parts, Special Tools and Equip-
and allow to dry.
d. Rinsing and Drying. Each can will be ade-
a. Special Tools and Equipment. The 5-gallon
quately rinsed to remove cleaning solutions Clean
water can does not require special tools and
hot water, maintained at temperature of 150F., will
be used for rinsing. After the can is rinsed, it will be
b. Repair Parts. Repair parts issued with or
siphoned free of excess water and heated for a period
authorized for the 5-gallon water can are listed in the
sufficient to vaporize all remaining moisture. The
Repair Parts List, Section VI.
can will be purged with air, preferably hot, to
eliminate all excess vapor. It must be above room
3-9. Refinishing
temperature and free of all moisture and residue at
a. Removing Dents. No attempt will be made to
the completion of drying. Completion of drying can be
remove dents from cans. Dents in cans are accepta-
determined by a simple test. Hold a cool glass over
ble providing the cans are not ruptured and the
the can opening, if condensation forms on the glass,
dents are not so severe as to impair stacking.
the can is not sufficiently dry.
b. Cleaning Exterior. Flanges and plugs, especially
threads and gasket seats, must be thoroughly
and replace closure assembly (5), pin (3), and washer
cleaned. Clean flanges and plugs with a solvent,
(4) as described in paragraph 3-7.
P-D-680, and a brush to remove all corrosion and
f. Leak Testing. Before the cans are painted or
other foreign matter. All gaskets should be removed
treated with preservative oil, they will be tested for
before cans are cleaned. All loose paint, rust, grease,
leaks. Cans with leaks in the body of the can will be
and other foreign matter will be removed from the
scrapped. The presence of leaks can be determined
exterior of the can. This will be done by chemical or
by either of the following tests:
mechanical means.
(l) Water tank test. Cans are subjected to internal
(1) Chemical cleaning. When cans are cleaned
air pressure and completely submerged in clean
chemically, they will be cleaned with solutions that
water. Air bubbles emitted from cans indicate the
do not dissolve or attack steel. Rust maybe removed
presence and location of leaks.
with solutions containing diluted phosphoric acid.
(2) Air pressure test. Cans are subjected to
The conditions of use; time, temperature, and
internal air pressure of 7-to 9-psi for a period of 45
concentration; of phosphoric acid solutions will be
seconds. A drop in air pressure, as indicated on an
such as to minimize damage to the steel.
accurate pressure gage during the test period, shows
(2) Mechanical cleaning. Before a can is cleaned
the presence of leaks.
mechanically, it should be free of excessive grease
g. Repairing Leaky Cans. Cans with leaks in the
and oil. Mechanical cleaning methods may include
body will be scrapped. Closure assembly leaks will be
buffing or blasting. Buffing consists of cleaning by
means of rotating brushes or rotating the can
h. Painting Exterior. After cans have been
against converging brushes. Blasting consists of
repaired, thoroughly cleaned, leak tested, dried, and
pressure spraying the can with sand or grit or similar
rust freed, exteriors will be painted with one coat of
material. The operator must determine the extent to
rust-inhibiting enamel. Before cans are painted,
which blasting is feasible without excessive metal
plugs must be inserted and hand tightened. Paint
will be applied uniformly by spray. Cans will be either
c. Cleaning Interior. Cans will be thoroughly
heated to a temperature of 250F and dried in a
cleaned by washing in hot water containing a
suitable drying oven immediately after painting, or
hand-dishwashing compound, P-D410. Repeat this
baked at 250F for 45 minutes or an equivalent
until all loose rust, scale, or other foreign matter is
tire-temperature cycle.
removed. If rust other than pin-point of line (weld)
rust remains after cleaning, the can will be salvaged.
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