2-6. Special Tools and Equipment
a. Fuel Can Cleaning Machine Operation.
(1) In a four-man cleaning operation, two men
The 5-gallon gasoline can does not require special
operate the cleaning machines and two men support
tools, parts, or equipment.
the operators. One man operates each cleaning
assembly. The two support men supply the operator
2-7. Cleaning and Repair
with cans to be cleaned and move the clean cans to
the clean can area. The operator staggers the cans in
Following the initial inspection, assemble the con-
the cradles (fig. 2-2) so that the cleaning process is
taminated cans near the cleaning machine. Place
continuous. Each can passes through a 40-second
each filler plug under the handle assembly so that
flushing cycle and a 6-second draining cycle before it
the plug will not get in the way during the cleaning
is removed from the cradle.
Figure 2-2. Cleaning 5-gallon cans using a cleaning machine.
(2) In a two-man cleaning operation, the rate of
still not properly clean, they will be routed through
production is relatively slow. One man operates both
channels for reclamation or salvage.
cleaning assemblies, and the second man supplies
(4) All damaged or missing parts, such as the
contaminated cans to the operator and removes the
closure assembly (fig. 2-1) and gasket (6), will be
clean cans from the area.
replaced. Filler plugs will be inserted in the cans and
(3) The can should be inspected with an explosion-
tightened, unless the cans are to be used im-
proof flashlight or extension light. The interior of
mediately. If cans are to be stored temporarily, plugs
each can must be clean and free from rust. If
will be hand tightened. If they are to be stored for a
sediment remains in the cans, the cans should be
long period, plugs will be wrench tightened.
recleaned. Only one cleaning assembly will be used
during the recleaning process. The other cleaning
b. Improvised Can Cleaning Machine Operation.
assembly will be closed to achieve total pressure.
The procedure for cleaning cans with the improvised
Flush the cans 2-or 3-minutes as required. If cans are
can cleaning machine (figs. 2-3 and 2-4) is similar to
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